

Good question, don't see too many bad things on their company website aside from localized titles for the European market.

Both series exist in the same timeline aside from one or two differences. Such as minor characters showing up earlier. Life would have gone on and Xavier does not get over what happens at the end of First Class. He ends up being sheltered maybe picks up one or two students. World publicly notices mutants at the

Don't bother with it in an anime series, put it as a feature in a game.

Who picked up the rights to the Darksiders franchise?

I'll tell you whats next. The inability to tell if your still logged in or not.

What exactly causes the long delays in the development of a Final Fantasy game?

Oh, the touch pad is still in. It's also able to be used for menu navigation.

If there is one thing Nintendo seems to be up to date on its the variety of social networks.

It's only more of a suggestion over exactly how bright this version of Superman is. For all I know they might try and sneak it in as a side effect of his father essentially committing suicide in front of him. I mention Lex seeing himself as the pinnacle of mans evolution as it makes for an interesting worldview.

Good to hear about Ghostbusters finally coming back with a better transfer.

Had a laugh a week or two ago while picking up Pacific Rim.

I was making reference to the Man of Steel take on him. It feels as though they're trying to dial him down so they don't have to work as hard to make Lex or Bruce seem like half the geniuses they actually are.

There is always the possibility of free costumes depending on how well a character is selling.

Good Question.

Now playing

How it Should Have Ended is usually a bit smug about these sorta things. This one gets it a bit more to the point. Even if Clark might have been more wary about immediately trusting his biological father than a priest.

They hate because it's the in thing. If anyone gets to hate Phil, it would have to be someone who has made a game in the same situations. Maybe someone who lost their save as a result of a bug and were told to fuck off by Fish himself. Not via a diatribe but told that exactly.

It's like saying that the shake you get out of McDonalds is gonna be of the same quality as a real Ice Cream parlor.

As with any dramatic and sometimes humourous changes, I blame Hollywood.

If it makes you feel better at the end of the Spider Island story arc Luke Cake and his wife go to find their baby perfectly sound asleep.