
Gonna have to say he hasn't got much of a point if they are doing something MS didn't do.

*Slow Claps*

Well it's a simple answer right there.

It's also probably wrong, if it isn't then Kaz really must not want his job.

It would likely be in their best interest, to give developers a long enough period of time to adjust. In the year or so following when everyone starts to update, both platforms should have been out at the market long enough to have comparable efforts.

The article really seemed a bit screwy about that.

It's always sad to be with a great group for some games, only to hear a slight pause and the resulting argument from a co-op partners headset.

Are you refering to the two prices up top?

What exactly is the "majority" of features?

He had all his artificial parts removed at the end of MGS4.

and Ninja double post

I'm having issues finding a source myself, but I'm quite sure multiple developers have been very vocal about this.

It looks indented, which would be good for something that would pull you out of the game.

While I disagree with your opinion, I respect the ideology behind it.

Nah, that was because Sega didn't sell enough of its hardware in multiple regions.

That would only be true if it stood a chance of reaching the market.

The movie has its own quirks, they both stand on their own.

It's a few distinct details that make it only resemble the current dual shock design.

Prototype, the full manufactured versions will have the rubber caps on them.

Slide to reload, tap in the center to kick when your guy is tied up.