They need a better pack-in, one with a better starter game and a GOOD memory card.
They need a better pack-in, one with a better starter game and a GOOD memory card.
I don't think they want to set the gaming world on fire again. It's just too unstable a market to try and woo the mass casual user. Even though they make a profit off of every system, they make the butter off of software. When they got 100m sales and a ghastly low adoption rate per unit, that's beyond poor. It also…
He has to share it with the company stake holders.
Think this might be the most appropriate statement.
Naughty Dog kept the last of us secret for a long time, so they got something soon.
The English dub is great, Drippys accent really adds to the detail in this other world.
Nope, Japan just got the game and a special edition of the system.
If they were really smart, next gen they would take one of the alt endings of the first God of War then explore it.
Only at the beginning of the quest chain does he bother telling Oliver that people can't see him. Only magicians(like himself), then proceeds to exploit this fact by "talking as loud as I want".
To be honest, I don't think the Japanese version was hardcore serious.
Kratos would like a word with you, after that there are also a few rough looking guys from a place called Rossa.
Imma gonna go for the trifecta and say that the premium bundle should have been $300 less the game. This is due to rising standards in what comes with a system at purchase. It should also be noted that the Wii U needs a HD if you plan on having any long term storage out of it(for game installs and the such). So it too…
The problem is the temptation of world building versus character depth.
Wait to see if they make a directors cut.
That sounds like a perfectly good reason now that I think about it.
Ground Zero seems like its going with more traditional MGS gameplay.
Whats go you down?
There are differences though, if I may provide examples.
Good to hear, I'm still wondering what made such a discrepancy in the weight though.
I liked about 3/4 of it, wanna guess what parts really sucked for me?