
I remember completing the Truth video and have wanted an AC that sends us back to Adam and Eve ever since!

When AC1 first came out, I went into it mostly blind. I didn’t know about the modern day stuff but by the end of the game, that’s what I cared more about. Not running around in previous ages and assassinating people. The conspiracy stuff and First Civ story is what kept me buying the games. When I completed The Truth

If you think that game sites should publish stories based on what developers want them to publish, I recommend you visit one of the many sites that does just that. On the other hand, if you want an independent games press that covers stories we think are interesting and/or important — even if developers and publishers

Alexander Joseba is a senior concept artist now at Ubisoft, who has in the past worked on games like Unreal

Ok, I watched the whole video. If, within the forthcoming weeks, I get attacked by Satan, Slenderman, or a Japanese ghost-girl in an attempt to murder me/ drag me to hell, I will sue.

the guy in the first picture, with the deer antlers, was the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand, the guy who was assasinated starting WWI. He was famous in his lifetime for having shot and documented the killing of more animals than any other human. He shot over 375,000 animals during his lifetime, hence all the antlers.

Camila Vielmond is a freelance concept artist and illustrator from Brazil who has worked in video games, card games

It should be noted that Steam has a free demo of TTP (a public test) and a psuedo-spin-off for the tetrimino puzzles (called "Sigils of Elohim").

Neat, though the Cake version would also be awesome.