
@evility: This whole scene was pretty fantastic. I was worried that I wouldn't like an episode where Sam/Dean were sidelined, but I actually think this is easily the best episode of the season.

@mekki: The show has really enforced the concept that death is a negotiable state. It would make a lot of sense to bring Gabriel back, especially since he ended up on Team Free Will towards the end and Cas could really use some help in that area.

@galanix: I would LOVE to see Supernatural pursue story arcs involving the restructuring of Heaven and Hell.

...and unmarried pregnant women with live-in boyfriends

I enjoyed this episode but I felt like it's been rushed - the writers knew where they wanted to end up and so they just... got there.

I work in an engineering school. This flowchart is posted in the kitchen of about half of the departments. I have a sneaky suspicion that it's less of a joke and more of an informal how-to.

I loathe "news" like this. Why don't they ever interview men and ask them if they would ever rape a woman, or what they would do to avoid being raped?

@Moretta: From what I understand, the models really can't afford to turn down the shoot, especially a shoot as prestigious as this one. Also, I doubt they get advance notice of the artistic direction of the shoot.

@Death_By_SnuSnu: Every time an episode opens my mouth drops in amazement. I don't know who did her wardrobe, but they had it out for Buffy.

@Keen314: I'm so glad to hear it's not just me!

I'm watching Buffy (and Angel) for the first time. And I have got to stop reading stuff like this because I get spoiled and then I get all pouty, even though it aired over a decade ago.

@yvanehtnioj: I wasn't sure how to read that either. The impression I'm getting is that Avery's defense was asking for leniency in the form of a shorter sentence since he'd already spent 18 years in prison on a wrongful conviction.

@Etoiles: I like the distinction you make between the wardrobe/jewelry/manicure and haircut, and makeup. My boss wears the expensive clothing and jewelry and very little make up. So maybe investing (ugh, I hate that term when referencing clothes) in a few classic pieces and getting a regular manicure would be more

I wear make up a few times a year (Halloween and weddings), and I'm usually uncomfortable wearing make up (although I'm adequately capable of applying it).

#3 Burt's Bees Peppermint foot lotion - wash your feet, slather lots of the lotion on, and then put socks on for a few hours or overnight.

@CherriSpryte: I'm still holding out hope that Ianto being dead doesn't mean that he won't be brought back.

I let a white stylist do my hair. Once.

All you can eat sushi days - a couple of sushi places in my area this for $20 on Sundays/Mondays. Since I can eat a ton of sushi, this is cheap (er) and definitely worth it.