Reminds me of one that scene in Ten Inch Hero...
Reminds me of one that scene in Ten Inch Hero...
@sweet cuppin' cakes needs coffee: Health insurance.
@MissMollyKate: I'm training for the zombie apocalypse. It's going to happen someday and I will be prepared! Iodine tablets and kickass endurance.
@Triphena: Yes! That's the first thing I thought of when I saw this image.
@Tippi Hedren: Word.
@sportz.star: Every sperm is sacred.
Snog, Marry, Avoid? I thought it was Marry, Shag, Throw Off A Cliff.
@CaptFamous: My admittedly spotty memory tells me I read an article once about how a lot of women (regardless of orientation) watch gay porn; my experience (obvs extraordinarily unscientific) is that women very selectively watch porn and more generally read porn.
Has anyone done a study on women who watch porn?
@bocadelperro: I got a Braveheart vibe, but umm... yeah. Why is everything going gritty and dark? What happened to Men in (tight) tights and snarky dialogue and witty fun while also having politics and intrigue? What's up with all the angst?
Can I add Jacqueline Carey, especially Santa Olivia?
... I could just be missing it but I'm pretty sure that's only four reasons.
I'm especially sensitive to strong scents - they give me headaches, make my eyes water, nose run, everything. I try to avoid scent-wearers at work.
...Classist, petit syrah swilling liberals...
A black hair salon is crucial and not nearly as easy to find (in some areas) as one would anticipate. I live 2 El stops north of Chicago (I'm on the gorram purple line) and I have to travel into Chi-town or west into a Jewish suburb to find product. I can't even imagine the dearth of available (qualified)…
I was thinking about participating in mini NaNoWriMo this year - does anybody know if there's a sign up for the mini, or do you just do it? #openthread
A writer on a show I watch Twittered earlier this week that Jay Leno at 10 caused thousands to lose their jobs. It runs 5 nights a week in a timeslot that used to be occupied by 1 hour dramas. 5 shows out means 5 crews out at about 300 people apiece, to paraphrase her.
@cate3710: It looks like that pole is photoshopped in - it's too shiny and everything is out of proportion along side of it - her arm, her breast, her thigh, the rest of the subway car... it's a bad, bad photoshop job.
@morninggloria: I cried during the stork short before the movie AND all through Up.
@newter135: I've heard of this and I think companies do this so that you can't have any leverage when arguing with them about why employees with the same job description and title make more. Shady employment practices at work.