
One of my favorite games of all time.

WHY: Awesome Sci-Fi isometric shooter. This game has tons of devastating weapons to be used against devious enemies and traps. Nor does it skimp on the difficulty. This is the kind of game that is going to challenge both your mind and your reflexes. While the game isn't exactly heavy on story it's enough to keep

Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2

When I'm not getting "World Full Error 1017" It's actually *really* good. Surprisingly good. I never played the original XIV. But as someone who thinks MMOs haven't been all that great since after the original Everquest (still my favorite), and someone who thinks FF peaked at VI, it's definitely more impressive than a

I give this guy all the respect in the world. SE dumped this giant pile in is lap and just said "Fix it." Everyone and their mother thought the first was unsalvageable. And damn if he didn't give it his all to make it as best as he could. More people should work as hard as he has.

Definitely loving it, great game when you can get in. Wonderful visuals, and combat is seamless. Couldn't ask for a more well built game!

It's been 10 a million times, was 9 like 3 days ago, been down to 8 a few times. Totallyy worth it for 10.

I've really been waiting for Stanley Parable to come out on Steam finally. There's actually a lot of games here that look interesting. Hot Tin, Codename Cyngus, and maybe That Dragon Cancer look promising.

I agree with you 100% on the usefulness factor of the cam system, I will most likely end up with both systems & still use my gaming rig too, like I'm saying also the pricing isn't too bad for either system in reality.

Don't know much about Starcraft sooo

I'm not interested in an Xbox One for many reasons, but if they give in and release a "kinectless" version my interest goes to even more negative numbers, it's like selling a Wii U without the Gamepad, I don't get why people would think it's good for the console to remove one of its main features.

Yeah, it basically allows a developer to make a feature that uses Kinect integral to the game without them being worried that no-one will buy it because they don't have a Kinect.

Honestly as someone who isn't getting an Xbox (for other reasons) and didn't particularly like the kinect, I agree with you. Like it or not, the kinect is sort of the only brand identity the xbox has going for it right now. They need to have a 100% kinect adoption rate or it's just going to be sidelined like the PS

For the Canadians looking for the episode, here's the link to the .ca site:

Well, we don't know how well 14 will do, but I'm gonna guess it won't do amazing but just the Japanese subscribers alone will keep the game afloat. I've heard it only needs 400K subscribers to e considered doing well, which isn't too hard for a Final Fantasy

Still not going to see this game for years considering they pretty much reset and reduced the number working on it. I imagine its now just the core engine team reworking the game from scratch.

Oh, hey, this is my thing! Thanks for posting it!

I don't understand how people can already formulate such a concrete opinion on something no one has even seen in person yet. Fan-boy hatred just for the sake of having the opposing viewpoint? At least wait until the dam thing is out and you can put hands on it before you start claiming it sucks.

Agreed. I've been following all the commentary over at Kotaku and besides a bunch of flaming and complaining about used games and "oh my god, wasn't that reveal the worst, you guys" there isn't really a lot of insight or analysis about whether this is a good piece of tech that will change gaming and entertainment for