
Question: Would this work on a Wii U? I never owned a Wii and I'm considering picking this game up so would be nice to try this out if that's the case.

It'll be Snowden, no contest really considering we are still discussing stuff from the leak even now.

Just finished this (well episode 1) and if you loved the old Broken Sword 1 and 2. Get this, you will feel right at home. It's absolutely lovely to play and I'm glad i kickstarter'ed it. The only bad thing is now I can't wait till episode 2!

Haha i know, i just didn't know they introduced it. We were just playing the 4 maps the regular way haha.

There's an air superiority mode? Why am I only finding out about this now!

Obligatory where's my Shenmue post. Biggest cliffhanger tease ever!

I mistook this as Garrys Mod............. still not seeing the difference.

I am disappointed this didn't make the final cut. BECAUSE ITS PERFECT

Disappointed, would love to have seen a comparison to the original xbox! See how big it is compared to that beast.

Is there a support group for owners of really bad consoles? I feel there should be one.

Ahhh Jalopnik has arrived! That gif is posted on EVERY florida article. Without Exception!

Your missing the .

I have this immortalized above my computer at work. Always being disappointed towards me. It makes me strive to improve!

Streets of Rage Woot!

Pretty sure it was still like that in the 90s. Can't remember too much, it's so long ago in my childhood but it was always a pretty cool mall. Right in the middle of the high street.

Sounds alot like Player Owner Ports in Runescape.

Actually playing this board game for the first time tonight. Can't wait!

Eh I'll stick to Seananners for my video gaming hijinks. Less annoying.

Sounds cool, I'll have to check it out. I haven't done any web projects as of late so I haven't been able to keep up to date on some things. Thanks for the tip!