Better yet:
Better yet:
There are so many reasons why the seller is the bigger idiot.
Author has never had a cold Boh with blue crabs, obviously, or it would have been ranked much higher. Even by itself, it embarrasses Busch, Keystone and Milwaukees Best any day. Milwaukees Best is an embarrassment to American beer.
Now back to your regularly scheduled program. . .
Something about US GP
I get that Sewell makes bad ass caddy's. Here's why I'll never buy one from them. . . you can get a roll of pinstripe tape on Amazon for $4.99.
10x worse than the current car.
Does anyone actually roll weed in a black and mild? The prosecution seems suspicious. . .
Coaches and Managers give players "green lights" after the doctors confirm they're capable. Just cause he's capable doesn't mean he has the "green light" to play ball for the Yanks. I think it was just a bad choice of words.
My question is, if he is found not guilty, will people around the world spill the same "he's a murderer!!" hate as they do for Ray Lewis (who wasn't even convicted of murder)?
Who wants in on the "how long before someone dies from Vining" pool? How dumb can you be to illegally run onto a field, holding a gun-sized black object straight out in front of your face?? Some security guard is definitely going to mistake the phone for a gun one day and cap somebody.
That interior is gorgeous.
I guess it's subjective. . . the rear is actually one of my favorite parts of the car.
Go here to sign a petition to allow Tesla to sell direct in all 50 states. . .
It blows my mind that a lot of people who think they like rap don't like Nas.
Post retracted . . . He states below that Tesla wouldn't let them track it.
I gotta believe he meant West Virginia unless he had a strangely isolated incident while in VA.
Pat is having an off-day.
Why would you say " This is the kind of crap I expect from Virginia". . . I didn't know Virginia was a racially vocal state? You mean WEST Virginia? I mean, Northern VA is one of the most racially diverse places in the country (mostly because of the IT and high-skill job offerings) and everyone gets a long fine.
What I don't get is why anything Detroit-related is now car-related.... Why is this a Jalopnik front page story? The article is about bad reporting.... Ironic .