People don't ask anymore. It's like saying "oh shit, our president is black". People aren't like, "wait, is our president really black???"
I wish you could annotate the images in the post. . . . is it possible?
Just keep watching it. Trust me after 10 minutes it gets even better. The dude punched 2 faces with one swift punch. I love american TV.
Maybe yours is nice and all, but I drove the CRZ the day it came out. Coming from 3 previous civics and an SI, I HATED the CRZ. I could never get it in the "right range" of power. It was always shifting for me when I didn't want it to. Just overall, the car spoke "not fun" to me in the language of car.
where the fuck did you get that from. . . its about drug dealing and murder lol.
So let's see, we have 100 studabakers and fire insurance. . . let's burn half of them, claim the cash, AND increase the value of the other 50! Genius.
I'm from Baltimore, this was funny as hell....
Teach me how to be so original
LOL and how many fires were started, how many cars were flipped and how many windows smashed? I think 1, maybe 2 of each. Ask Philly what happened to their city last time they won a championship. CHAOS. Baltimore IS classy by comparison.
Impossible to do this during a real game. I've attempted it before, unsuccessfully. The police were expecting 30,000 people at the stadium, didn't think this would be an issue. Little did they know 200,000 people would show up at the front entrance. . .
Replace word Grammer with Spelling and you have your self a pointless, although correct post.
The point of my reply was to give you a few reasons why Baltimore sports fans have been labeled "whiners" . . . they feel like the underdogs constantly because of ACTUAL EVENTS that fuck with people's REAL EMOTIONS. And fuck off with your silly shit you don't know shit about Baltimore or its sports fans jackass. …
What are you talking about? Find one quote where Ray says "and you should believe in god too". He doesn't, he refers to his religion as HIS BELIEF and the way HE FEELS.
I'm not a religious person, at all. People spend half their lives going to church, putting money in the dish/upside-down-hat thing, and ranting about jesus. That being said. . .
Dude, you have a serious problem if "Ray Lewis" makes you angry. You buy into media way too much dude. At the end of the day, the man makes his living entertaining people and playing football. If you hate seeing him on TV so much you're a hypocrite for watching in the first place. Get over it.
You just made his point more clear. Baltimore IS the most under appreciated team. . . because of Ray Lewis. No one can mention Baltimore without the Wire. No one can mention Ray Lewis without the murder case. Flacco? His elite comment. And it goes on.. . . no one respects the Ravens because of the circumstances…