
The Comfort used to be docked in Baltimore several years ago as it's home port. I used to drive through the tunnels everyday. Just before entering the tunnels you'd see the red cross like a beacon in the night. . . it was probably a mile away but you could still see the sheer size of it from the highway. Amazing

My Great Grandmother just turned 100 years old. She has a cell phone and absolutely loves her iPad. No one can pry her away from it. She uses facebook, plays games and reads books. It's really amazing and she expresses how much she loves it to everyone. I can't imagine what's she's thinking while she's using it.

I live in Maryland and work all over the country. I can tell you from experience, that without a doubt, California has the very worst drivers, period.

There are pictures of her Vogue magazine covers on her website. . . how exactly is she not a supermodel?

Comment fail . . . she's totally a supermodel.

Poor journalism IMO.

Poor journalism IMO.

Raven's fan here.