Nah, I'd say they are the same as an BMW.
Nah, I'd say they are the same as an BMW.
They are popular, there are just still to many of them. And they aren't cheap to maintain.
Lemmie know when those E46M3 prices start going up....
Toes up!!
PATS WIN! Oh wait, no, no they didn't.
Your business plan would not last long.
Your business plan would not last long.
Either you get two posts, or none at all! Uggh!!
Either you get two posts, or none at all! Uggh!!
Marshals??? This is drifting!! Not a real racing event.
Looks like targeting to me...
My god, you are right, it should not have been called. Pats win. PATS WIN!!
My god, you are right, it should not have been called. Pats win. PATS WIN!!
My god, you are right, it should not have been called. Pats win. PATS WIN!!
Fucking fuck shit are you kidding me????? There where three of these today, it's like all the stupid mindless fucktard refs got together and made a betting pool as to who would eject a player for the least possible infraction. GOD GOD DAMMIT DAMMIT. Targeting means THE GUY WAS WITHOUT A DOUBT TRYING TO FUCK THE…
Best deal so far, science has been pretty exponential. It took awhile to get going, but now....
However, the biggest problem I had with the Miata was that the longer I drove it, the less I wanted to drive anything else. The driving experience in the Miata makes almost everything else feel like watered-down bullshit. It offers a nearly unmatched degree of pure fun; this is the only car I've ever driven where I…
Sooo.. there's only one picture? Come on eyewitness! Moar carnage shots!!
Looks like the 6 pack isn't where the kids came from, I'll bet there's another area that isn't so pretty...