On one hand I’m curious as to what he has for her. On the other hand, i don’t want another “wizards shit wherever and magic it away”
On one hand I’m curious as to what he has for her. On the other hand, i don’t want another “wizards shit wherever and magic it away”
Nintendo: “For every report that suposedly “leaks” about a new switch, we add one more year to when we’re gonna release it. now behave or you’ll never get it.”
batman can absolutely sell toys going down on cat woman. just make one of these batman themed.
its a brawler game.
didn’t play type zero past the first few minutes so no idea.
I get the feeling that its shadow the hedgehog all over again.
I.E. trying to appeal to a western audience and completely missing that the other crazy shit is what we come to final fantasy for.
Shadow the hedgehog better show up later.
when you said edgy PS2 game I instantly thought “OH FUCK. ITS FINAL FANTASY 1 BY WAY OF THE BOUNCER.”
you got me wondering, if there’s a new donk city, does that mean there’s an old donk city?
Really, we need to have the shows instead follow the protags for the game generations as they head to the top. that way we get a full new roster each time and if they wanna go long for a series they can. imagine having 3 pokemon shows running and each has its own feel and own protags and antags.
and no immortal litch…
Now do it with this.
I say start with the first and give it the FFVII remake treatment.
honestly, from everything I’ve seen, a sport is just a game people take seriously.
Fantasy Football is just jock D&D.
*looks at header image
QUESTION. whats the age difference on him and megan?
so you’re saying my games sucked and couldn’t make enough money back that i had to put my company that made a crap game on the stock market so everyone could buy shares in my business that did bad.
Wait what? I thought activation was about games?
I remember one time talking to a former co-worker about how i wanted to make games someday and one of the things he said was “and once you get big enough you can put your company on the stock market”. My response was “why would i want to let people who had nothing to do with making my company or games control and make…