
So is this taking forever for anyone else?

Put multiple gears on that bad boy and I’m down. I wanna hit some high speeds on that fucker.

This all says to me he was in on it and decided to throw his source under the bus to get out of it once Nintendo came knocking.

The supposed specs leak said they do. Willing to believe it considering the Wii and the Wii U both used it.

Just in case yeah. He had me hit level 7 cleric so I could bing him back in case the cubs won the world series.

I’d have to attach bionic arms to his urn first. An I dont have that kinda cash.

I think that a part of it is that there’s so much more familiarity with games now. Even the elderly know a few games they like. My old man wasn’t a gamer but he fucking loved him some fishing in Zelda on dat Wii.

I take care of my old mum and when i come home from a Poke run without balls I come in the door all dramatic and say”MOOOOOOMMMM, I HAVE NO BALLS!” and she fucking loves it. that and seeing what I caught.

No, Hyrule warriors on Wii U had a decent bit of DLC and updates. and almost all of them were rather substantial.

I can’t imagine you preferring drop cash on a switch over a 3ds being a bad thing for them to be honest. ;3

Well, you CAN throw rocks, just be ready to run if you hit someone or break something.

And that is LITERALLY what Nintendo’s strategy with mobile is. Good to see its working

Yeeeeeep. The moment you get neo-nazis applauding you is the moment you it should be clear you done fucked up.

The comics were, like a lot of what I’ve read of Shirows work a mix of everything. There was all the sci-fi shit you see in the show but there was actual levity. when they made the first Ghost in the Shell movie they removed all but the sci-fi and more or less used it as a template for everything after.

Yep. we love our gore but shun the titties and they love their titties but shun the gore.

He did, but after the first arc they’re in regular games where they are in control of their characters.

And if the itch persists for more than 48 hours, please see a doctor.

Donnel can go from the 5 pound weakling to 20 behemoth if you put the work in.