
The thing is, freezing when confronted with a threat is a very common response. People talk about the threat response as being "fight or flight", but that's inaccurate: there are three common responses to threat, and they are, "fight, flight, or freeze". For many, many people, exposure to a genuine threat shuts

I'm sorry, I understand why people are upset about the photo but.... As someone who was abused as a child and teenager, and watched this happen on at my father's behest to my mother and brother my entire life as well.... Fuck all the entitled white assholes on here who are making that the MAIN POINT OF CONTENTION.

It's a nice sentiment but at her age it's also a lot of empty words. A woman without wrinkles can boldly declare not to be bothered by their threat to her social standing but it's the woman who sees her own decay and shrugs it off that deserves the bigger awe.

I took health class with everyone else!

He is the biggest dickbag. I hate his proactiv face.

I don't know about you guys but "stature and sense of accomplishment that comes from being a salaried manager" is way better that actual money.

Once, smashed up against a barricade at a concert, some asshole groped by breasts from behind me. He got his toes smashed, a backwards headbutt and an elbow to the gut. He was gone before I even turned around. Fucking prick.

The pilot script contains, I shit you not, the stage direction "Alice turns even whiter, if that were possible."

I am humbled by Mark for writing this article about my "alien look." Thank you. I started doing this a few months ago, I'm self taught and it is just a fun way of entertaining myself and the people around me. To the people who do not enjoy it; sorry about that. To the people who do; thank you for the kind words & if

What IS it about the Sunday morning sex??? Goddamnit, work your weird religious guilt out on your own, I'm hungover and NOT in the mood to play s to your D right the fuck now.

I like to imagine that the NYP newsroom is staffed with a bunch of old timey gossip reporters who pop out of drawers with flashbulb cameras and shout things like "WHAT A SCOOP!"

Instead of "pro-vaxxers" can we just be "normal people" or "rational everyday humans?" I don't want these anti-vax people to be given any more ideas that this bullshit is a two-sided "debate."

oh shut up. this is totally inappropriate on a post talking about a woman's death, you delusional moron.

"I think it's irresponsible to take a bunch of actors that will have a Google alert on and to suddenly throw their name into a situation that none of us could possibly knowingly comment on," Johansson said. "That just feels irresponsible to me."

"I'm in denial"

Are you kidding me? I don't even know where to start with you. First of all, she wrote an obituary, which needed to be written in the present. Also, if you think all of this crap doesn't affect someone's present then you certainly have not had to deal with any of this, or, you're in complete denial.

My grandfather sexually abused all of my aunts and my mother their entire childhood. My grandmother knew and only kicked him out for 6 months before letting him back. I remember at his funeral his sisters (from Mexico, that obviously had no idea what had been going on) wailing dramatically but among the other women in

When the image on the flag went to his superiors to report this assault by his fellow soldier, he was demoted and pressured by his unit not to say anything. When PTSD and depression made it impossible to fulfill his duties, he was dishonorably discharged, and held up as an example of why images on flags are just not

the fuck are you talking about? He mixed MORPHINE with ambien. Liquid morphine is unbelievably potent and can cause someone to not feel whats going on and not know whats going on. This comment would be similar to if they said someone sniffed cocaine and took a caffeine pill and focused on the caffeine pill

So if I hired you to work at my store, and beat you in the crotch with a lead pipe every day for 45 minutes... we'd have to contextualize that in the frame of reference of other stores in the area before we could determine whether I'm doing something wrong here?