Gary Alexander Stott

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I took this photo in Antelope Canyon as well, with my iPhone 5s. Bidding starts at $10 billion.

The infographic was saved as a jpeg when it should have been png...

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Those old MotionScan demos still hold up but in a realllllllly weird way.

Star Wars got me into science fiction. Five years old, watching it for the first time, on VHS on this giant cathode ray tube. The Star Destroyer showed up, and that was it for me.

I was never a big fan of the Harry Potter "The Boy Who Lived" theory. It's pretty creative, but Harry Potter went through so much shit and hell growing up that I was just happy to find out he lived the rest of his life calm and raising a loving family. It always makes me ask, why can't our heroes just have a happy

Could be. I remember either Yoda or Mace Windu commenting about their powers being on the decline in one of the prequel movies. It's a holiday weekend, though, and I won't ruin it by rewatching those to find the exact quote...

Yeah, Meredith is wrong here. If you recall Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan's lightsaber crackled and hissed in the rain in identical fashion as this lightsaber in the snow.

What I like is that the very first face they chose to show us in this new era of Star Wars is a nonwhite face. In some ways, we're making progress. (Although I didn't notice if there were any female faces besides Ridley's.)

I'm getting a real Padme / Leia vibe from Daisy Ridley shots.

He turns around like he doesn't know where he is (in a desert) and breathes heavily. Did he feel the tremor that the narrator was referencing? Is that what happened? Why is he in this get-up?

"A lot of rumors have been pushing that this is a NEW desert planet, not Tatooine"

Is that Benedict Cumberbatch? That certainly sounds like his dragon voice.

I'm actually pleased they don't show up - it hints that they are confident enough that this movie can stand on its own without having to focus entirely on the nostalgia. And it hints that they old cast have supporting roles and won't overshadow the important players.