Gary Alexander Stott

You know there are exactly the reverse comments in each PS4 review, yes?

Because you can only be game critic if you agree with every other game critic?

People will definitely be sending them spider infested consoles, spiders are not insects.

We knew there would be bugs at launch... but come on!

Don't give DC any ideas...

Because that's what you're doing with your ps4, right? Giving it to underprivileged children?

Indeed. I do tend to game once that ass has been tamed though:P

There's a lot of titles on this list that I agree with. There's also quite a few I don't agree with. One thing that caught me eye, however, wasn't the games on the list, it was the lack of one game that I felt was pretty influential.

Game: Fallout 3

I would have added Heavy Rain.

Good to know I can hang my PS4 from the ceiling.

Wii U for one is happy to see someone bought their console.

yeah see I forget about that :P

Is it everything you imagined, Owen?

I bet if you reverse that .gif it looks like the PS4 prints post-it notes.

Vita?! Remote play is not required. Subtract that $200 and the PS4 is cheaper.

Thats my problem with Kotaku reviews.. Do they draw out of a hat when its time to choose who reviews which games? It seems like some of them shouldnt be reviewing certain games. I think it would be great to get different perspectives. Like maybe 3 of them, one might say no, but the other two might say yes. And they