Gary Alexander Stott

cant tell whether the end of that sentence is the correction or just a very stern :\

Give me a Rocksteady produced Batman Beyond game. New rogues gallery. New art style. You keep Conroy on as old Bruce, get Will Friedle as Terry, and you have many millions of dollars.

Now playing

Let Bane put down phat beat for the disbeliever's:

Also the diagram posted explains precisely why some people have a big issue with the PS3 controller, They're holding the damn thing wrong...

Eh, less sales for them then.

I'm pretty sure if they put him (Aaron Paul) as Robin in the next batman movie alongside Affleck, I'd feel better about the movie a teeny bit

"with growling when he's emotional."

I would adore, a "Next Gen" set which was all three of these games with a little bit of polishing.

Casting Person #1: We need like... 7 or 8 people for this short movie. It's all about freezing time or something.
Casting Person #2: Yeah. So the guys have to be like... super smart, yes? Stopping time is like... high concept Physics. Totally out there.

High-pitched is a good way to describe it, although I'd say glowing light yellow. Like the filament in a lightbulb. I also have a sensation like there is something small and thin in my mouth, like the last bit of a Lifesaver candy, but with no taste.

i smell a photoshop contest coming of this.

Brace yourselves!


what's a Wii U?

Well, that's a refreshing change of pace. Yes, all platform holders and publishers pay us for all of our coverage. It makes it easier for our company to not pay us anything. You figured it out!

I miss 6,000 years ago. When the Earth was just created and dinosaurs and humans walked it at the same time.

This. Who knew a house that was bigger on the inside than the outside could lead to such horrors. Really messed my dreams up for a while.