Ubisoft are one of the Big Three, and they've been making AC games since the start of the last generation and have only included one lead female in a portable spin-off. That's the problem. It's like franchise fatigue has come back with a vengeance.
Ubisoft are one of the Big Three, and they've been making AC games since the start of the last generation and have only included one lead female in a portable spin-off. That's the problem. It's like franchise fatigue has come back with a vengeance.
Surely it makes more sense to include characters unlike the majority of gamers to express different backgrounds and lifestyles to the majority of gamers? The human race is roughly 50/50. Characters in EVERYTHING should be too, regardless of the audience ratio.
Reading A Natural History of Dragons at the moment and loving it!
It makes me really angry that so many people don't see how this has become a controversy. Gender is a MUCH more basic thing than race. There's a roughly 50/50 ratio between men and women in the world. What is that ratio like in games? After SO MANY AC games, is it really so acceptable to some that only one title - a…
Am I the only one who thought it wasn't a decisive victory for Sony? I thought it was really close this year. No Last Guardian, no announcement of ND's next project, no new Guerilla IP, no new Sony Bend IP, no David Cage IP. Unless they're saving a LOT for Gamescom.
'Shop contest!
I am! :D E3 only happens once a year, staying up makes it feel more like an event. There's a certain satisfaction knowing most of the gaming community is watching alongside you as everything is announced for the first time! :)
That doesn't look like concept art - that looks in-engine to me!
When I say it doesn't 'look' amazing, I'm not talking about the graphics. There's nothing wrong visually. It just doesn't look that fun to play. It looks alright, but I wouldn't rush out to buy a console over it. That's what I don't understand.
Fantastic review! Captures my feelings about this game perfectly! It's just a soulless product! I'm astounded so many critics are giving it generally positive reviews!
I liked it!
...And thus a chill creeped down the spine of everybody familiar with the Slender Man mythos!
It does, and it would look better running 60. Framerate doesn't make the game better, but it definitely makes it look better.
I absolutely love this idea! I NEED 60fps. It just looks so much better.
Computer-enhanced cheekbones? Pretty sure that's just practical make-up! :P
The way Oberyn screamed made me feel sick! And I'm not usually deterred by extreme violence at all. BRUTAL.
Apparently I'm a lot hornier than I thought! Which is really bad considering I have a girlfriend! XD
Ugh! Don't encourage this! E3 is definitely still relevant! It's like the World Cup of gaming! The Super Bowl! The Conclave! :P After last year, in particular, how can you possibly question E3's relevance? It very much shapes the year to come in the industry.
Totally agree with the sentiment of this article! Being a gamer isn't just about playing games, it's about being deeply immersed in the culture surrounding them, and E3 is the pinnacle of that.
No, Jason. Waiting for the next Game of Thrones book is like waiting for an abusive father to return home. And yet you can't help but love him...