I have so many childhood memories of playing Duke Nukem! Perhaps that's why I'm somewhat 'alternative' in mindset! XD
I have so many childhood memories of playing Duke Nukem! Perhaps that's why I'm somewhat 'alternative' in mindset! XD
@symphonycometh: Clever MGS4 reference ;)
I've already got a NECA Altair and an ACII Special Edition Ezio, so I'm all sorted until the next assassin arrives...
Worst game ever? It sounds ace!
There's a Drowning Pool classic in there ;)
Just like Sony's failure to release all those awesome demos like the rubber ducks, not to mention the Move stuff, MS have made a mistake here.
They'll NEVER make it as good as the original. I was crazy-addicted to that game back in the day.
I was playing 18s when I was 6, and it's had no effect on me. I think it's a really middle-class thing to hide truths from your children that they're already aware of through instinct. You can lie to a child, and they'll pretend to believe it, even though they know it's not true.
It's not that amazing - a cell-shaded character with thin lines in a non-cell-shaded environment.
I thought this was a negative review when I read the title! So glad Pixar are still the best at making movies. It really is amazing that they've never produced a truly bad movie.
@Antiterra: I really hope he posts a huge rant about it on his blog ;)
@mindsale: Flower didn't really have a plot, it was more of a subtle message about industrialization.
@Strangelove: Boo! What heartless person doesn't want more cake jokes!
I'd love it if the plot for this sequel had Chell returning to the wreckage of Aperture to retrieve the Companion Cube! xD
@Stradigos: thatgamecompany had a three-title deal with Sony: fl0w, Flower and now Journey.
No, not multiplayer! Multiplayer generally sucks, it just doesn't work. You can't have as much of a polished experience with that quality.
I hope they improve the powers this time around. Really, when it comes down to it, all he really had in the first game was a boring pistol-shot. Everything else required energy to use, and it wasn't varied enough to begin with.
I've never played anything more than a Twisted Metal demo, and I never saw what the fuss was all about. I'll certainly play this if I get a chance, I owe that much to Jaffe, but I wish he'd been working on a new game altogether.
@Sockatume: ^ Listen to this man ^
@Jon: It died a fate worse than death by Driv3r. And then it had an average afterlife in Parallel Lines.