Gary Alexander Stott

Haha, only in the gaming community would you ever see something like this! xD

Dear god, remote controller vibration?! Virtual sex has been perfected! xD

@Daiden: Yeah, really small issues, like perhaps a delay in taking cover, or pop-in every now and then.

Oh well, at least now he has the adequate backstory to become Firedude.

I don't even wanna know how a pornstar might represent the giant beanstalk...

Yahtzee says not to be so negative! xD

Wow - that was an amazing article! A LITTLE bit long though!

I would do terrible things to Kristen Bell...

I hate and love demos. The reason is that you can play them so much that you get bored of the actual gameplay, which affects your experience of the full game. Uncharted is a great example of this.

What do you mean "unlike the actual game"? Bioshock's ending was fantastic!

I'd say Crecente's at picture 4...

That's quite possibly the greatest weapon featured in a game for years!

It's a testament to how amazing boobs are when you consider that most of us would prefer the one wearing the huge metal helmet.

I don't think as gamers, we really discriminate about what race our character is. It's an aesthetic thing in games, you're choosing based on colour, not race.

It's not like you always have the "back view" in games like AC and AA - when you enter a fight the camera is generally loose, only moving when it really needs to, but it gives plenty of front view.


@InsidiousTuna: It's usually the pervs that say that kind of thing. Just accept it, everybody else does! I can even tell you the girl in that photo's name! xD