
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Wait. We're worried about something coming within 7.5 million kms from the Earth? I know that's a small distance in the scheme of cosmic scaling, but why is it making news at all? The distance from the Sun to Pluto is smaller than that distance(5.946 million kms). That makes it coming through

What era of cars do you enjoy overhauling the most? Which are the most difficult?

Problem is, I don't know who would that is, although I have my guesses.

I wouldn't wish Dell's tech support on my worst enemy lol.

You're talking about people who don't know how to turn a TV on.

Well actually laptops didn't always have WiFi my friend. Furthermore, WiFi didn't really exist until 2000 and I personally didn't own a computer(not just laptops) that came standard with wifi until 2006-2007. So yes, the laptop she was using was older, but it's not as conceivable as you make it out to be.

I can't tell you how many times my mom has asked me how to turn the TV on. Every time I show her how to do it and every time she "forgets". And it's not like she'd ask me when I was near her either. She'd be in the basement shouting at me while I'm on the second floor. So down I'd go thinking she's in dire need or I'm

The day that pigs fly will be a silly and wondrous day.

I don't think anyone on the planet can state with confidence that fusion power is X amount of years away.

I could see the government putting the kibosh on this even going public if it does become successful. They have too much invested in the oil and gas industry. They did it to the first generation of electric cars.... and history likes to repeat itself.

They should release the article when they have the reaction powering the lasers that cause the reaction.

Dear U.S. Contest Laws,

Where's the one for saxaphone!?

Keep in mind that these doors probably don't have air bag or power window mechanisms within the door. They probably have all the gull wing door equipment in the roof where the hinges are. All that means is that you're basically dealing with a hollow door made of sheet metal or fiberglass and some way to open/close the

I KNOW! I was like "it's nothing crazy..." then I saw the dude driving the spider and was like "WOAH that thing is actually really massive". I was officially impressed after that.

I look forward to the day I can find some friends to drag out to my first burning man.

I didn't even have to read anything in this article to know how much CP this is. That gator...

Well I'm not sure if it's for added effect, but some of those crab fishing shows show them in some pretty undesirable weather conditions.

Brings new meaning to the song "Don't Rock the Boat" doesn't it.

Dunno... I wonder if it only does side-to-side counterbalance or does it do it from any direction of waves. Also, what happens when you get into a big storm? this I don't think will stop the rock from those kinds of waves...