
As a fellow English major who was required to take a class in linguistics, as far as I'm aware it is possible to find root meanings of words. Even though definitions of words can be very malleable and transform often, I don't agree that it's hard to nail down the original definition. As far as anarchy goes, I might

That's fair. I would argue, however, that poor game writing doesn't inherently excuse poor movie writing. Even though the movie is an adaptation, I think it's still possible to maintain the spirit of the original, through hitting the brand mark, even if that means making the dialogue a little smarter and maybe

I don't disagree with what he said, but I don't think he's followed those words very closely either. The RE movies are good bubblegum action, but hardly follow the tone and styling of the RE games.

Okay, I'm sorry for the flippant end in my comment. I am genuinely interested in your point of view since you know what you're talking about. I promise to excise any jackassery.

So... What happens when these things are attached to enough regions of your body, and they're somehow inevitably connected to the internet, and someone decides to hack the devices and autostimulate your muscles until you're in a ball of pain? Or die of fatigue? For the lulz, of course. Would this even be possible?

Dude, this guy should riot. Due to the unfair, corrupt shit that goes down at Activison Blizzard, the pressure of the hardships he must endure is now at such a level that it would be acceptable for him to loot and vandalize as he pleases.

Alright, this is pushing my excitement level to 11. BUT, as a 40k fan, and a fan of Bolt Thrower, I need to nit pick selfishly about one very, tiny, thing: I hope the soundtrack doesn't become too "adventurey", since 40k is grim future and the dark millennium. But, these are space marines, and it should fit for the

What angers me about all of this is the attitude of the looters and their supporters. They call themselves revolutionaries and say they're redistributing the wealth, but in effect they've done nothing but screw over people like this barber shop owner and devalue their entire movement in the eyes of the government and

Despite the fact that there is an "official" definition of anarchy, you have to understand that even if a group co ops a word, that word doesn't automatically lose its original meaning. So, maybe there is a distinct set of political beliefs called Anarchy, but you can't say that the original meaning of anarchy is

Ah, misinformation. You are such a wondrous and funny thing. Just like almost every other religion or, hell, any other movement, there are abound to be a few people who take it too far and do crazy stupid things. Like, burning down churches in Norway. Not cool bro, not cool.

What, praytell, is the truth about the real issues? I'd love to open with something actually snarky, but I don't know much about U.K. politics. So, if you would, indulge my ignorance and I promise I'll listen with an open mind.

Jesus Christ. Beautiful song, beautiful voice. Also, for my token unabashed gushing, if any guy ever treats her poorly internet law states that she can withhold his testicles in her purse, because there are legions in line behind him.

Am I dumb for thinking that looked more science fictional and cool than the movies? I feel dumb.

Clearly, the benefit of producing small hairless carnivores is confusing the shit out of people who are slow to google. That, or to mess with fur trappers. "Make a coon skin cap out of THIS, fucker! Hahahaha!"

That was beautiful. Whenever I play Halo or watch the documentaries, it reminds me what I love about video games. Say what you want about Halo and Bungie, but you can't deny their commitment and passion — it's flat out inspiring.

I'm glad research like this exists. The stigmas attached to orgasm as well as which sex should be having it are lame and frustrating, and it kills the "let's have fun and explore" mood.

The only point I disagree on is more monsters in one room. They should tread a middle ground and pace the encounters where sometimes you have to fight a whole bunch and sometimes you have two Hell Knights. Ether extreme is bland and boring.

Psh, who needs rent money...

I'm glad that Epic gave Traviss the reins for the Gears-verse in terms of story. I hope other studios follow suit, because it's a breath of fresh air to have a franchise that's consistent in plot AND retains a unique tone and style. Gears doesn't get a lot of recognition for storytelling, and the first two games

I don't agree that she glorifies warfare, I think she glorifies what warfare can bring out in people. Or, more basely, what character qualities shine through warfare like comradery. If you read her blog you'll see that she's very grounded in the reality of war and constantly reminds readers that they "should" be