
I have an idea that would make the headlights look less like runny eggs and more like something from THE FUTURE

Psssst....don’t tell anyone, but a nicely modded NA Miata (suspension/bracing) does a pretty good job of it.
(opinion based on ownership of both)

Yeah, you’re right. I drove my ‘53 Chevy 5-window pickup to work today because I have to move some boxes. Not to show it off...but to MOVE SHIT.

I think it’s funny that people make the assumption that they’d automatically get consent to fuck the person they hate. The reality of getting consent for the hate fuck part of the wish constraints would likely be unattainable to get a pellet,but nobody is thinking about that and just assumes/chooses to ignore that

Can’t really use it for your engine oil, because it’ll always fill up the engine and not just to the full level of the dipstick in the pan. The whole engine is the container in this’d fill up to the oil cap.

“us purebloods”
TRANSLATION: “we manatees”

Of COURSE the military is going to predict the most chaotic and dystopian outlook possible. That way they can use fear as a tactic to maintain funding.

Is the pee endless, or do you have to wait until your bladder refills. #SuperKidneys

Slippery Faggots (gay team)

I’ve seen this happen to too many friends and acquaintances before DOMA was overturned and gay marriage became federally protected. Uninvolved, hateful families coming out of the woodwork to wrest inheritances away from widowed spouses.

Based on how many false/bad prints come out of amateur 3D printers these days, I’m looking forward to seeing a large number of Elephantmanmobiles lurching down the street in our near, dystopian future.

Uh....umm....[clears throat]....

I once created a trans character in City Of got reported/banned after I got it to a high level because male characters hated being pwned by a trans character in the PvP sections of the game.

I do the same stuff as this guy, regularly hosting tech days and letting friends use my garage and lift to work on their cars. I consider myself lucky I don’t have jerk neighbors like he has.

Coachwork by Lightsaber Design. VRRRRRRR [swoopcut] VRRRRRRR

Being able to do a stoppie is NOT a’s a f*cking FEATURE!

-Build a LeMans racecar, no holds barred