
I doubt it was on a personal level from anyone, it's just harder to notice intentions and easier to misinterpret over the Internet and in writing. Like I don't really care about her and wasn't really accusing you of defending her as if I can't understand why you would defend her, so there was no need for the "!" in

It's funny you should try and find an argument in her defense. Here's one against her. She actually deletes (disappeared even from my comment history on my account) posts she doesn't like/agree to.

I agree this video shouldn't be taken seriously. I know that. You know that. Even he knows that. But whoever watches this and has no idea what our gaming environment is like or what Machinima, what's he going to think? That I think is the real issue with this video and Kotaku promoting it. Other than that, I still had

What did you expect on an article by Patricia? It seems to me you're the madman here.

I honestly couldn't tell at first if the person cosplaying as Daenerys was a man or a woman at first. Damn, and on one of Patricia's articles even. That's funny.

Not sure if agreeing or disagreeing with me.

to top it off her face isnt so bad either which is usually the issue when it comes to heavy hangers in real life.

Sure it does. I said good day!

I was actually implying D3 is shit and that even the PS3 is getting that shit. Because no matter the platform, D3 is shit.

It's always been that way with comedy. Truth shrouded in jest, where people can either accept it or go on their blissful ignorant way. It also seems to me that most of the time, serious people are the best at comedy.

Or maybe I could simply be holding the controller in a different way or keep the image of its front in my mind, instead of it facing up.

You point your face upward and look up. Good day.

I do, and have since before the creator said it was supposed to be. Why? Because that's how it should be spelled. It's sad when people don't pay attention to their own native phonetics and need foreigners pointing it out for them.

Imagine that done in first person.

What do you mean the Diablo of PS3? You're actually getting Diablo 3 on the PS3! Muahahahah! You're not escaping the horror!

Figured as much. A conspiracy just like any other. Nothing you can't handle.

And I wouldn't like her any other way.

What does this have to do with the movie and how does it help your hopes? It's nowhere near the quality of what can be done in a movie.

Hell yeah! Only ever played the first one on my Playstation 1 and then the second on PC. And that's that. We've been denied MGS for too long!

Rorschach has a daughter.