BluRay isn't necessary. A lot of people are going digital only.
BluRay isn't necessary. A lot of people are going digital only.
I see what you mean. They do both look like great systems, I just prefer Xbox.
I get that. If I were to go all digital though, I wouldn't need the Blu-Ray drive, so ultimately it would be useless to me. I wouldn't expect MS to remove it and sell me one without it though.
Wow, you're literally describing yourself in those last few lines lol. Amazing.
Same here, it's what differentiates them from Sony and PC.
I might go all digital. It's a viable option, is it not? So it's a perfect comparison.
Xbox can also function without the BluRay drive. Download games and play them from the HDD. They didn't lie, they are just removing the requirement because of feedback.
No, because I can play any and every game for Xbox One from my HDD.
Exactly. You don't want Kinect? Buy a PS4. Good answer.
1080HD is just fine. I've never had a problem with it or thought "hey this looks really bad, I need BR quality movies".
Exactly and agreed.
It wasn't optional up until recently, and though you are right, the Xbox One was built around Kinect. Without it, it loses a lot of its core features.
No, you're right, bad choice of words. Upset maybe? Not changing it though, because that would make your comment worthless.
If I commented "XBOX FOREVER" in a PS4 thread you and the Sony guys would burn me at the stake lol.
As this guy says, it's a part of the system. Only it's not integrated in the box. Is that so hard to get?
Would you be so angry if the kinect was integrated into the box itself? I doubt you would be. As the article says, it's a part of the system just like the BR drive.
Well not really forever... Unless next gen is infinite :3
And this is why parents should save kids the embarrassment and only invite family, who are almost obligated to come :D.
Thanks. I literally do lift, so one up'ed you again. Beat it chump.