When Aerith got shindeiru’d. Legit. I didn’t throw it over hand or whatever. It was more like a push/shove motion + projectile meets wall kind of thing. The only time I have ever done it.
When Aerith got shindeiru’d. Legit. I didn’t throw it over hand or whatever. It was more like a push/shove motion + projectile meets wall kind of thing. The only time I have ever done it.
So, one and a half years. :P
They spoke of it to Nintendo and they were literally laughed at.
So, does that technically make it illegal to exhume the dead meme “It’s over 9000!!” from the cold, cold ground? And post it?
I can’t help but appreciate the deniers of how delusional this article is. Its a loot box. You can’t buy them, sure. But plenty of games give them away for free. Its to tempt you to spend money in other ways. The incubators are this. Honestly. This article comes across as satire half the time because of how much it…
I have a lot of fun memories about FFT. Like the fact I did not know you could change classes until the first person that transforms. The one who has a slit down their stomach and its stitched shut. I thought you had to recruit them in towns lol
The wheel continues to turn.
I think we can agree that the majority of those FF games aren’t good enough for another generation and besides that, no tactics? Its more unique than, again, most of those others.
See. The hover is nice. However Luigi has the best jump on top of his jump also having a bit of a slow down at the crest of said jump. Allowing you to cover some mean distance with it.
Or they can learn how to make games again and manage their companies a bit more efficiently and stop all the bullshit. It shouldn’t cost 50+ million dollars to develop a game, let alone more. That is ridiculous. Game companies hemorrhage money from being one of the leading forms of media and they love people who come…
I am not saying you’re a filthy peasant if you prefer nacho cheese Dorito over cool ranch, but you are a filthy peasant if you prefer it over cool ranch. I mean games like LoZ and Metroid released the same year as cool ranch. Know what released in the year of nacho cheese? Pong. A classic, much like the flavor, but…
You know. When I was a teenager. My old man found a laptop on his route (He was a garbage man for over 20 years). He had taught me the basics of constructing a desktop over the years and I had frankensteined a few together over the years. But this laptop was different and decent quality. It had a dvd drive in 2003.…
Reminded me of this classic
When’s it leave beta though?
For me the reason I won’t see it in theaters and instead will wait till a friend of mine tosses it up on their TV while I happen to be around is because I don’t like the prequel cast hardly at all. And I don’t think Sophie is a particularly good actress. The trailers show, for me, that hasn’t changed for this one…
Literal quitter.
I always kept a green/old blue of the other weapons on me. Or at least the ones I knew I might get a purple of someday. And each level up I would just switch around as I did more quests.
You either loved it or you didn’t. I have always loved the grind of MMOs.
Does it have Lords of the Realm 2? Can’t watch video currently.
Arya is dead for sure. And that’s not the bad part. If she does die, they wouldn’t have the balls to show her worging/inhabiting Nymeria.