
You mean the navigational map to the airship. That isn’t the same thing. That I mean by overworld is being able to walk from one place to another and dealing with random battles along the way. Walking in forests and your head sticking out the top. That is what an overworld is to me in FF. Clicking a spot and instantly

True but ever since X. It’s been a cluster fuck combat system wise. X was the first time I realized that Square was capable of failure. It didn’t flop but for me it showed it was willing to do away with tradition. No overworld, turn based combat was gone, and the first Final Fantasy with a hallway in the place of the

Don’t forget the lack of turn based combat on top of the episodic garbage. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy Kingdom Hearts but a combat system similar to that does not belong in FFVII.

That was glorious. Thank you for sharing.

Obligatory fuck Tim Buckley and what not.

+1 because it mentioned 8-Bit Theater.

Vegeta can’t even win when he is half Goku. This title did him wrong.

I mean if you can deduce people eat meat and that there are no “normal” animals. But wonder if Pokemon are eaten. That is a definition of denial. Even more fun. People are Pokemon as well in their universe so. It’s not so much disturbing as much as it is the cycle of life.

Back around 2001. A friend of mine took advantage of this concept in RO and man did it pay off. He didn’t even have to really do anything. He had a female character and that was it. Day 3 of us playing he was level 80+ and I was like level 19 or something. As the story goes, he was just leveling/traveling outside

My point is if you see that and the first thing you think of is Horse and not Reindeer or Deer or even Antelope, cause those are at least known for having antlers. Well, it speaks for itself.

Horses don’t have antlers...

Go for the smaller viewers. People with a handful of viewers is always more fun. The streamer can engage in conversation with his viewers more easily this way as well. 20 or so people viewing is the sweet spot I have learned and with there being literally dozens of people streaming any given game, it’s relatively easy

This is how you troll.

The image used for this article at a glance looks like a thin Wreck it Ralph. That is all.

Your goals should not be set by others. You are a rat in a maze at that point. Also this is an old comment but I would like to add that teaching someone to be very intelligent and then dismissing their choices is about as back asswards as it gets. Chichi has seen to his education but then can’t trust him enough to

Give them an inch and they will take a mile. If the reason a game ever costs 80-100 dollars and doesn’t include additional content, then at best we may get a year of publishers releasing games at that price range with no MTX. But eventually, sooner I would suspect. They’d sneak in DLC, pre-order bonuses, loot boxes

And with them being secretive they still want us to pre-order.

wtb new Digimon World game.