My point is if you see that and the first thing you think of is Horse and not Reindeer or Deer or even Antelope, cause those are at least known for having antlers. Well, it speaks for itself.
My point is if you see that and the first thing you think of is Horse and not Reindeer or Deer or even Antelope, cause those are at least known for having antlers. Well, it speaks for itself.
Horses don’t have antlers...
Go for the smaller viewers. People with a handful of viewers is always more fun. The streamer can engage in conversation with his viewers more easily this way as well. 20 or so people viewing is the sweet spot I have learned and with there being literally dozens of people streaming any given game, it’s relatively easy…
This is how you troll.
The image used for this article at a glance looks like a thin Wreck it Ralph. That is all.
Your goals should not be set by others. You are a rat in a maze at that point. Also this is an old comment but I would like to add that teaching someone to be very intelligent and then dismissing their choices is about as back asswards as it gets. Chichi has seen to his education but then can’t trust him enough to…
Give them an inch and they will take a mile. If the reason a game ever costs 80-100 dollars and doesn’t include additional content, then at best we may get a year of publishers releasing games at that price range with no MTX. But eventually, sooner I would suspect. They’d sneak in DLC, pre-order bonuses, loot boxes…
And with them being secretive they still want us to pre-order.
wtb new Digimon World game.
Meanwhile Shingeki no Kyojin got real this week, as it does from time to time. RIP potato girl.
Meanwhile in FFBE I have nearly unlimited energy atm cause the devs give away so much.
I always enjoyed naming RedXIII his real name Nanaki. Because the game isn’t ready for it so the guy at the entrance of Cosmo Canyon calls him by his real name for the first time to which you ask. “Who is Nanaki?” and of course, to my amusement every time he replies. “Nanaki is Nanaki.”
Yeah I was going to wait till the middle of the week to see it again.
A friend of mine has seen it three times already and I am thinking of seeing it a second time. He wants to join me if I do. So that’s a thing.
I am literally taking a break from making my very first character sheet for my very first campaign. My best friend who has done dozens of these is going to be DMing it and it’s going to be online. He has been very patient with me and very helpful but fuck. It is overwhelming and exhilarating at the same time. I am…
If she was so good, why didn’t they keep her around?