
That’s legit.

That’s legit.

I seen one that looked like this

I seen one that looked like this

I seen one that looked like this

I seen one that looked like this

The more I see of this, the more I wonder why. Like, ok. Why are Edward’s hands glowing in that picture?

I mean, I agree. But think of it like this. A simple image, partially hidden behind stuff in a game. Was able to throw a monkey wrench into being able to sell a product. It’s not controversial, it’s not taboo, it shows no detail. Who could be offended by that or worry about a child seeing something like? It’s like

Its a dark day for gaming when something that so many people want for their games can be considered a bug.

Team Four Star’s let’s plays of this game are going to be fun as hell when it comes to the 9th Android Trunks forgot to mention.

It’s always disheartens me to hear about DLC before a game is even released.

Agi/Dex is my favorite stat.

Earlier this season when Arya was seemingly manipulated by littlefinger, I didn’t believe it. Then Sansa and Arya had their spat and it felt out of place. Sansa had been learning the entire series. People would from time to time tell her that she may survive the game afterall and that she was learning to play the

My favorite versus map is from the original. The Ice one.

Well no one liked that Jon hooked up with Ygritte either. It was taboo as hell. It would have been taboo even if he didn’t take a vow celibacy. It was doubly so because of said vow. So Jon will probably shrug off his opinions of it and use the same excuse Jamie and Cersei did.

I think the reason it’s seen more ok than the other cases is because they don’t know they are related. Neither one of them knows it’s incest, they are falling for each other because of love. So it’s not some pervy kink or something.

Par for the course. Cersei and Jamie, Tywin and Joanna, Aegon and his two sisters Rhaenys and Visenya. And of course all of the justification Jamie and Cersei have said for so long. That it was normal for Targaryens to do it.

To be fair he is contractually obligated to quit. The second line of his vows forced his resignation.

One is obviously Evil Ryu. Then Ken has to shoot one of them.

I just played and beat it but I only noticed I think, 3 or 4 boards/levels? I wouldn’t say it has several.

I got Slime Rancher from a Humble Bundle of some sort. Maybe the monthly? Not sure. What I am sure about is this game can suck your life dry quicker than a hooker working Christmas eve. I fired this game up the day I got it because I had seen a couple of reviews and I wanted to waste an hour.

Which part was Micheal Bay?