Well. Look at it like this. Everyone wants to kick cancer’s ass. And the new Doom does kick quite a lot of ass. That said. You might be looking to far into some things.
Well. Look at it like this. Everyone wants to kick cancer’s ass. And the new Doom does kick quite a lot of ass. That said. You might be looking to far into some things.
It is only one k. I can’t tell if people use 2 to mock/joke around or if they are just trying to fit in. But I see it more often than the 1 k.
Over a year of promises. Most of which didn’t make it to the game. Most of which probably still didn’t make it into the game with this recent update. Yeah. Sony never pulled back in the reins. That’s on them but Sean Murray made Peter Molyneux look like a novice at broken promises. It’s also a bit on the consumers,…
Over a year of promises. Most of which didn’t make it to the game. Most of which probably still didn’t make it into…
Nah. They lied and bs’d their way to where they are now.
Nah. They lied and bs’d their way to where they are now.
Reminds me of the old flash Crono vs Everyone.
Here’s the original scene instead of that “something always seems off” remake version.
Become a wizard by hitting Windows key + tab and after scroll through them with the mouse button.
I remember watching this live.
It’s his property. Short of selling coke at a lemonade stand, he can probably do as he pleases. You actually think others should dictate what is and isn’t ok, to them, when it comes to your property? Because the only reasoning you have it seems is aesthetic and that kind of makes you look like an asshat. I bet you go…
I mean... complaining about a free gift...? That’s a bit of a bitch move.
This is why I don’t vote. I don’t want to end up some cry baby back bitch. That said. Trump had the win for months. The democrats cut their own hand off and had the nerve to act surprised. There hasn’t been a more corrupt person to run for President in a long time. Not even thinking of her emails. Hillary hired the…
Stop being so overly dramatic. I am bummed he we as well but life continues. The whole “Meteor 2016" and “The end is nigh” stuff is more overplayed than Trump’s spray on tan.
Both candidates were bottom of the barrel worst possible choice. But don’t forget. Hillary macked on that KKK leader.
2-4 hours is my average. I went to bed at 4 am and woke up at 8 this morning. I literally just finished hanging gutters on one side of my home about 15 minutes ago, taking a break now. In a bit I will head out there and do the other side and then take care of the rest of my day’s business.
This is my favorite post ever on Kotaku. Nice and down to earth. Solid read.
Kind of reminds me of an old online game from the 90s called Wulfram. I think that’s how it was spelled. Good times.
6? Did Sega help with that part?
If you’re looking for a bit of a stealthy combat app. There is literally a Hitman GO available for mobile users.
That is a pair of clueless, bored, spiteful people.
I have to completely agree. I got a copy in my Humble Bundle monthly this month. I had seen someone play it about 1 or 2 months ago, so I was also curious. And I swear. I thought I had played it for like... 2 hours. But it had actually been 6. I haven’t gotten lost in a game that hard in a while, its just so addictive…