Caught 25 in a day a few days ago. I average about 15. That’s with 3-4 hours of dedicated play time and another 1-2 hours spread throughout the day.
Caught 25 in a day a few days ago. I average about 15. That’s with 3-4 hours of dedicated play time and another 1-2 hours spread throughout the day.
Elder Scrolls 3
Id just capture it from outside. Since you can be a good 30 or so feet away from it.
I am currently massing pokemon. I am expanding my maximum amount of pokemon that I can hold today as well. I would like to save up around 50-100 evolutions worth of pokemon then do it all in one sitting with a lucky egg. I haven’t leveled a single pokemon nor evolved one yet. Hell I haven’t sent one out yet for…
I can’t bash this game for it’s downtimes. To my knowledge, this is one of the most played games in the world now. And it jumped up to such a point almost literally over night. No game has seen a start like this. It’s kind of hard to guesstimate this kind of thing. But hopefully in the next few weeks they will have it…
When playing Chinpokomon Go. I can’t seem to catch Shoe. He is always at least one step ahead of me.
You have a right to be offended. You have a right to an opinion. But everyone has a right to not care about either. Making it equal rights.
Really? Is this happening? I am not usually THAT guy but, ok.
I doubt it will be so quick. Unless Aizen just offs the mofo.
It’s fun to watch and I do enjoy it. But I have to agree. Glitches are not intentional pieces of content/programming.
Wouldn’t the meat of a sandwich be the filler? Not the bread? I mean. Unless you make a bread sandwich, I am not one to judge.
Does that tiny amount of movement really make you sick?
To be fair. The launch for Mighty No. 9 has been pretty terrible with how many times it was being pushed back. All it needed was a few more years and for it to be passed around a couple of devs and it would have passed as a Duke Nukem Forever cosplay.
That Bruce looks an awful lot like Archer. Now it needs a scene where Selina Kyle is in trouble and he runs yelling “Selinaaaaaaa!”
I remember when FFXIV went through it’s launch and then the dev team was pretty much scrapped and A Realm Reborn was announced. There was an article back then that was an interview with one of the head devs on the new team. About how he was an avid WoW player back in Vanilla and BC.
Yeah. I sold my account the day ICC released. I didn’t see how they were going to top Ulduar or the expansion after the fact. I walked away with $650 and a shit ton of great memories. 25 man firefighter and Algalon being my two favorite fights ever.
True and I should have said specifically the WoW branch of blizzard. Because their last couple of expansions have said plenty about what they think WoW should be.
Seeing them say “oh we’d love to do it!” makes me cringe so hard. After seeing the video where they straight up tell us they don’t want to do it and that we dont want it either. Yeah. When it comes to wow, I don’t trust blizzard.