Zero consistency is a strong way of putting it. 7, 8, and 9 are all pretty damn similar in terms of combat.
Zero consistency is a strong way of putting it. 7, 8, and 9 are all pretty damn similar in terms of combat.
I think Ben Heck does custom mods for people who cannot use a normal controller as well. For multiple systems. I always thought it was amazing the things you can do. The charity Special Effect also makes some amazing mods.
When it scores less than Daredevil. That isn’t a good sign. That is all I am saying.
Had to wipe angst off my monitor. It was starting to drip.
It was harmless. The update is harmless but is childish. Especially since it is such a micro minority. 1 person. I do not believe it even counts as a minority at that point. Nothing should ever change because of one person’s complaint. There is a reason that the phrase “You can’t please everyone.” exists. Because it…
I heard the theme as Mickey Prepares to cross, for a second, its very similar to the Airship theme.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
See. I’ve tried the second one a couple of times over the years. I don’t enjoy it nearly as much. The third one is .... different. I am waiting to really give it a chance if I can find it cheap.
Yeah I could sit down and play Megaman 2 or 3 any time of any day and have zero complaints with a big ass smile on my face.
Try to use your powers for good.
Respect. Megaman X sits in my console a lot of the time just so I can put a quick 20-40 minutes of gameplay before I head out or go to bed.
Age of Wonders
Magikarp is life tho.
This is Hitler hitting on a lady recording him. Thing is. By always referring to people like him as monsters. We tend to not see the human beings who become them until they are these “monsters”. This picture shows his humanity. You ever flirted with someone before? Apparently. So did Hitler and you don’t think about…
Which is a shame. You’d think something that came out in 2011 would be able to do it when modded PSPs and PSP GOs have been able to do it for a very long time now. Mind you the PSP is slightly more powerful. But again, the PSP came out significantly sooner. Kind of puts some things into perspective.
Hunter X Hunter is one of my favorite animes, especially the remake. Great action and a fun story to boot. Then, there is this hilarious scene.
I love the detail. Like. How when the CPUs finish their final lap they disappear from the course map.
Never forget baby hand.
....Anyone else wondering if the Charmander outfit was going to be under water? I mean. I am curious if it makes it an instant death.