Thats how it always in in DBZ deaths. Open eyes, no pupils. Another famous one is the dead future Gohan laying in a small pool of water.
Thats how it always in in DBZ deaths. Open eyes, no pupils. Another famous one is the dead future Gohan laying in a small pool of water.
Here is a few descriptions and definitions I found.
FFXI was about to release. I had been planning on playing it for a long time. Then I happened upon the program to benchmark your comp to see if it could play it. It couldn't. Luckily my birthday was around the corner. So I asked my old man to help me pay for a new computer. We spent a couple of months double checking…
To true. Like I said, it would be an entertaining thing to do. Not the most fiscally responsible.
I realize. I mentioned it would be entertaining, not possible. lol
I wish they would calm down with the hand held market a bit. Keep making awesome games but Jesus. "We made the screen bigger." "We added sd card support." "We added 3d." "We added a bigger screen again." "Look, a new button."
Of course not. But that's what would make it so entertaining. To Nintendo's credit though. Gimmicks are up their alley recently. Considering how little content out there actually supports 4k. This would be a gimmicky move.
I honestly have no idea what to expect. I hope it brings at least brings some color to the console. This plain white stuff is getting old. Tech wise. I would die with laughter if they went all 4k display support on Microsoft and Sony. I say this with a PS4 staring me in the face but still, it would be hilarious.
For me. After I saw the first teaser. (The real first teaser). I took a step back and gathered my thoughts. It's obvious that the old ways are gone. Way, way gone. So maybe. I need to think of what makes a Final Fantasy a Final Fantasy. I have many ways of judging their games these days. Which breaks my heart to say.…
I was always the grandpa in my guilds. I had played the longest by such a large amount of time. My original server was Elune but after some mishaps, I stopped playing for a while. But then BC came out. So I jumped back in. Didn't take to raiding as well this time. No more of that vanilla Naxx. I took it easy. Then...…
Crit plank with two Phat Dancers when they still had their dodge. One of my favorite OP old school memories.
Ehhhh. It certainly doesnt feel nostalgiac like Wreck it Ralph did. The only excellent part was the creator of PacMan being in it.
Defeating Algalon. When he was current content. It was so fucking epic. We weren't considered that good of a guild until we did it. We had a solid 30 people who played quite a bit but, other than that. We didn't even think we stood a chance. Only took 3 weeks of attempts.
So good to see old faces.
My favorite video about anything Zelda.
That is just awesome to see. Man, I wish I had an awesome mom.
Jagex in the last couple of years implemented this, they call them Bonds. Gold sellers went away for a while. For the most part. While any and all worlds seem to have around 20 gold selling bots spread out around the world. After the bonds were implemented it seemed they were almost all gone. With only a handful on…
The battle system. Just confused why it never went to a traditional FF or Lufia styled fight sequence. I remember thinking how stupid it was. Then I got to see those duo and trio attacks. Well, I learned to shut the fuck up after that.