One of my uncles in the early 90s had one about that size. I remember it being delivered. It took a team of 3 with another person at the bottom and top of his stairs to get it to second floor in his house.
One of my uncles in the early 90s had one about that size. I remember it being delivered. It took a team of 3 with another person at the bottom and top of his stairs to get it to second floor in his house.
Damn. That sounds fun and extremely heavy. I have a 24'' in my game room. But yeah, a 60 would be something.
Yeah. I was looking at some videos on youtube about scaling it right and getting better graphics with no blur. Retro gaming is highly celebrated in Japan and there is a little box you can buy for like. 100 bucks or something. Its supposed to be the best way to do it. I have thought of investing into it. I have ...…
Man. The 90s fanboy in me just squealed like a 90s fangirl. I'm keeping my mancard.
On a somewhat related note. Man I love playing Nes, Snes, and Genesis games on a tube tv. By god it looks so much better then on a big screen.
I laughed. Thank you for that.
I have a friend from high school. We have been friends for 11 years. She is gay. Thats fine. To each their own. But a couple of years ago. She started he transition to becoming a guy. She even took on a different name. Though not legally. I still call her by her original name. In fact. I was the only one ever to call…
Our internet speeds. That is one thing people will never believe in a 100 years.
Oh hell yes. Classic remastered.
But it does pay for itself with the free stuff. You get free stuff every month on 3 systems with 1 subscription.
To be fair. For something like Kingdom Hearts. It will look better on PS4 at the very least. Plus. There is a cyber Monday deal to get a PS4 for like 450 and 3 games and 2 controllers.
Game Theory is so freaking good. I love that series. And I have to admit. The FNaF video was pretty interesting. But the whole Mario is actually the bad guy 2 parter is my favorite.
Why warn the pirates?
Oh hey its been a long time but I remember reading about that as well. It always seemed like the AI could just come out of no where with a win. No matter how well I was doing. I put so many hour into that game.
More fuel for Team Four Star. Love it. This can have littlekuribo as well.
See. Thats not a fair assumption technically. Because the Wii U has a literal year over PS4 and until recently. Very recently even. The Wii U has been an absolute joke of a console. It was out sold by the Wii last Christmas. Is it worth owning now? Yeah sure. But only in the last 3-5 months. For the same reasons you…
That Team Four Star reference at 2:06 tho
Blowing up what is basically the Vatican isn't forgettable. And to the game's defense. It could have been a story about shoveling shit for 42 hours but as long as Varric's hilarious ass was in it. It would have been solid game still.
I don't know why this caught on.