
It was only recently that PS4 version of titles started to outsell the PS3 version. Japan usually clings onto the last gen longer than the west.

Well Knack definitely surprises me.

Ok gotcha. Because sometimes it doesn’t go without saying, unfortunately. There are too many religious fucksticks out there who are just mindless talking heads wanting to eliminate “late term abortion” without truly understanding who exactly needs one. As if people who don’t want the baby are just hanging out,

Except your belief is not backed by any remotely credible science. There is no particular reason to believe that the collection of cells gestating in a woman’s body is any more “alive” than any other group of cells in her body at the beginning of pregnancy.

That’s where I think the confusion is for forced-birthers who insist a woman will “regret” their abortion- they mistake being bummed about having to go through it as regret. No one is happy to get an abortion, most just feel relieved. In a perfect world, we would never need abortions because our birth control planning

This is brilliant, thank you for writing it. And just to help you contextualize your experience a little, the second-largest group of women needing abortion in the U.S., (though not Canada) is women between 40 and 45 who are mothers. It’s not you, though your copper IUD failure is a spectacular one!

And FYI: No woman needs to justify to anyone why she chose to have an abortion. Obviously she did what was best for her. End of discussion.

Huh? Dark Souls isn’t randomized though, is it? Dark Souls is already just like NES Zelda.

So normally you’d object to a performance extra referring to her experience of having to stand still for $10 an hour as being like the Holocaust

Is it really normal to be forcibly relocated en masse with no information about where you’re going or why?

Thank you! I was thinking about the double shifts I used to pull at a restaurant and all the other millions of people who spend their whole workdays on their feet. When I read 1.5 hours I was very confused.

You start getting dizzy from standing there and staring at one point for so long.


Many of the people sent to concentration camps did not have “the knowledge that” they and their loved ones would be forced to work or murdered. I think that was their point; they weren’t given instructions or an explanation and were being just herded around.

I mean, you could say you felt like you were being abducted and taken somewhere you didn’t know. I’d be okay with that. But can you imagine if some white girl wrote about something crappy and compared it to being a slave? Ohhhhhhhhh boy. There’d be hell to pay. Let’s be consistent.

It sounds dumb.

It’s funny because I can’t think of one female genius who is known to be crazy. Marie Curie is probably one of the most intelligent human beings to ever exist and you never saw her intentionally trying to be crazy to prove she’s super smart.


None of this sounds crazy. It sounds frustrating, stupid, exhausting, and boring, which is exactly what the show looked like, too.

Loosen up, no stiffness.