I figured he was trying to get his fingers sliced off so he could enjoy the taste of meat for once.
I figured he was trying to get his fingers sliced off so he could enjoy the taste of meat for once.
Doesn’t it make it worse that they did it in his hometown? He didn’t care for this artist, and considered using artists after their death “demonic,” and then they did it right on his own home turf.
Someone needs to take this poor, deluded idiot in hand and explain that this is a catastrophically terrible idea. She has already done her bit for King and Country with the WikiLeaks thing and needs to retire quietly to the sidelines. Surely she must realize that her public image is permanently compromised re:…
I’m just glad he’s no worse for (se)wer. Still, being stuck like that had to be pretty degrating.
No, I expect you to die.
Once you reach a certain age, pitching a tent gets harder and harder.
It’s not the heat, it’s the stupidity.
This was beautiful, a real encapsulation of the human experience and Time’s cruel joke.
as a person from the south, i grew up on chick-fil-a - it was a staple. but once they started funneling money into prop 8, i noped right the f out - i hadn’t had it since.
.. could probably be characterized as “usual.”
I travel very frequently for work. Every rental I’ve had goes through the following tests
Farted continuously in rental Camry all the way from Montreal to NYC.
Are we sure it wasn’t Toyota Highlanders?
Maybe I’m just the dummy here, but I took it as her making fun of the inactive people who think they can ignore the problem?
This is what kink-shaming looks like, for those of you who were wondering.
What’s beef? A mother and daughter discuss
What’s a Nubian?