
But finding the right candidate to try to build a relationship out of is a pretty solid fit. I’m cynical about AI but I don’t think your observation has merit on face value.

Seems to be a whole lot of taking the claims at face value and repeating them. Is this some kind of weird advertorial content?

I found the lack of stability to the format of The Grand Tour killed all interest I had in the subject. The framework of Top Gear and watching them push at the boundaries of it in clever and very dry, british, ways had to be 70% of the fun for me. The other 20% was personality, and 10% cars.

I am wondering if the Mazda CX-90 PHEV issues are going to percolate up into something on here. The reddit is consistent with very unpleasant sounding reports.

I don’t see a connection between a single thing you said and the real world.

You own two houses and ...i You sir, are rich. Fine, its the 2% not the 1%. But get some perspective. Sure, I asked, but that was premised on your odd phrasing of a highly unusual and exceptional scenario as normal every day business and relevance to the conversation at hand.

I’m Canadian. So inflation and currency exchange apply.

During the shortage we bought a bottle of the same cheap ass siracha based condiment that the local chinese food place gives out in little packets.

You could have just stuck to the basics “I’m rich”.

How does buying a new car every two years even work?

I appreciate the demonstration but conclude from it nothing that you seem to hope I will have concluded. This is an important fix.

Harry Potters magic lessons made more sense than the nonsense underlying the thesis of this article. I hope you had fun writing it.

As the issue at hand is people misusing their accounts from the stated intention of their accounts the word “should” is actually a very relevant one.

I’m not in the US so the Hulu version is not something I can speak to directly.

It is absolutely more than good enough. Better than when Harmon came back, probably? Lots to unpack but all good people doing good things.

Completely sensible. I have always had a hard time with people who cut corners and exploit gaps and then get salty as hell when those things are addressed. I DO it all the time, I never complain when I get caught. The idea that “what i like is what is right” seems way too popular these days.

Why would it throw a CEL based on count of starts? Thats weird.

If one needs to have goggles strapped to the face, one doesn’t need to be in the same space as the other users at all. Indeed it seems to do nothing but add risk with no benefit?

Perhaps we should focus on the file that helps citizens NOT WANT TO PUSH PEOPLE ON THE TRACKS

I can see the charm. Its all negative externalities for immediate gratification. This is practically the spirit animal of western economies.