
BK breakfast gives me the shits like nothing else.

An english muffin isn’t right unless it is, to some definition of this word, burnt.

Oh boy that takes me back. What a great set of two books (there are not more than two books, lalalala i cant hear you)

I dearly hope that after 4 we are taking away his keys and sending him home. You don’t get to take another turn after that.

I remember a pudding cake mix that pulled a similar stunt in the oven.

It is very weird to me that the only place Daves name is coming up here is in this comment, about Baldurs Gate, and not in reference to Stray Gods. The gaming pedigree of the dev team is way more salient than the voice actors they hired. (applies to Pillars of Eternities Liam Esler as well)

Well. CX90 it is then.

I would have to imagine the code, regardless of whats up on the camera sensor/hardware level, to execute a user story like “Given a user driving on autopilot, when any emergency lights or sounds are present, autopilot disengages completely and the user must take over control” is very doable but would be disruptive to

I’m not going to connect it to the comment(s) in question, but I’m fucking horrified to learn that people are finding reality TV of this nature to be the time for family TV time.  

Its at least a strong medium, or medium hard. It was definitely not easy. But I too got through it at a young age in a reasonable number of tries.

I had savings until the pandemic took my wifes job. We’ve “recovered” to a net-zero position. But one more push.....

This is the logical equivalent of holding the pea accountable for the scam that is the shell game

The middle class does. If you don’t, I do have some sad news about your class status.

I can’t be the only one that has reviewed these facts and does not find the creative choice remotely problematic, let alone reprehensible.

In the context of the conversation this doesn’t feel inappropriate, and if it still is its not NEARLY as inappropriate as is being argued here. I already see in the comments that I won’t get it because I’m white. But ...this is a forum for exploring where you come from in the nuts and bolts way this question pushed

When I see Scott attached to 2099 I see a guy collecting a paycheque for his legacy, not active participation. But I didn’t dig into it or anything.

I see you are new to this getting old business.

dont you kink shame me

Huh. It really feels like this is what you signed up for.

I remember loving Kojima. It was during Metal Gear Solid 5 the bubble shattered - so much work, so much quirky gameplay, to get to tiny tiny bits of story. Half brillaint, half tedious. I believe I barely scratched the surface before I abandoned it at 20% complete or so.