
I did enjoy a lot of what Gunn has made ....but cannot apply any of those experiences to what I know to be Superman? I hope to come away pleasantly surprised.

Uh....look around...its here in spades.

Is Season 1 worth watching, or does it end on a cliffhanger that will never be resolved?

I was the dad in our childbearing, but I ran this past the childbearer and she agreed: the problem here is where you looked and who you listened too. We ran our births without doctors at all, we knew about all the things listed here, and while our second birth had cord entanglement that put us moments away from an

I know you consumed the better part of 3000 words to articulate this point, but at the end I was committed to this one word response:

Surely I am not the only one who was completely unfazed by the Sudeikis/Wilde “drama”, and will not have any opinions of either modified in any way by it. Paparazzi was trying WAY to hard on that one.

Pinocchio was absolutely, catastrophically unnecessary.

Now playing

Time to plug the Lynch’s Dune Spicediver Fan Edit. This is the way.

I send the kids to the Wii U when they want to play Mario Kart.

Tell me.

Obesity needs to start being in the same conversations as bulimia and anorexia. Enough with this fat-acceptance nonsense.

This is a much more relevant tip for washer fluid, which as the same problem and the same solution and is much more frequent.

While it was in response to the fourth jaws film, I feel the Michael Caine (who was in Jaws: The Revenge) quote applies here: “I have never seen the film, but by all accounts it was terrible. However I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific”

As for Ant-Man, in our house he is near the top of favoured

This feels like a petty cheap shot at Ant Man. All the other worsts (save for Revolutions, another whipping boy of nerds trying to be edgy which is so ironic in consideration of this film, which is made by nerds trying to be edgy) are TERRIBLE movies. Ant-Man 3 is ....fine? I sure wish it was better too, but its

It is very much a hot mess. But I can’t fathom how you would be able to sucessfully cover all that ground and not be able to tolerate the Medievil Dead. Its kind of hokey, but the roots are there.

Nah. Bad take.

Existence is exploitative and gross. No point in making a fuss about it.

So, who the hell else has been wining Asian Best Actress Film and Asian Best Supporting Actor Film? White people?!

I’m not going to spend the time to consume the content as it sounds dreadful and Adams is a grade-A idiot. But, how could any not-white group *not* come out of the past century loathing white people?

$5 does not seem like a bad price for a pineapple....