
Write in vote for the real long shot: Scytale.

This just. ...restates the sorry-what-is-the-concern? “criticisms” from yesterday. Nothing new.

I would be particularly unhappy with the level of sear - that outside layer with all that fat gets a TON of herbs and pepper, and is delicious well done and crispy - but everything else here is fine.

Quick question: what is the relationship between age and value? Or age and fun?

I guess the world gets what it deserves.

It is one of my deepest regrets that in these challenging times my standards remain unwaveringly high.

Thats not a respirator. Thats an oxygen mask.

The subhead is missing a word.

I was let down because I was very much wanting more of what the first offered. We didn’t get that, and thats ok, but I was fighting the movie the whole way through because of it.

What elements are necessary to prove that?

There is this kale, cauliflower, and cabbage dill pickle salad that they’ve been selling at Costco (Canada, so YMMV) for a while now. It is insanely good given how unpalatable the underlying greens usually are.

You think that is confusing? You should have seen the wild ride that was getting all the Hitman 1 and 2 content into Hitman 3 for playing it on PSVR (which was excellent and highly recommended btw)

With two children being victimized and speaking out about that, I’m really not sure how to parse the logic you are trying to bring to the table.

First, +1 for Team Watched This In Middle School.

I remember that day. I thought the theme song was roughly equivalent in appeal to a wet fart, and hated Sisko from the moment I met him. Kira’s costume was ridiculous and Quarks retcon of Ferenghi was unappealing

I’m just fine with where Top Gun is on this list.

You said it a lot better than I did. Thank you.

I would really like to know cleanly and clearly one way or another if any money exchanged hands to lead to these articles as my goodness this reads like a shill piece.

Now playing

You have made a grievous error that borders on a compulsory update of the list.

I have never been more bored with a movie than with this one. Sound and fury, signifying nothing.