
How the fuck did the course or the dealer let it get this far? There is like zero ambiguity on this. Eat crow and move on.

Fat being an undesirable outcome is not the same as fatphobia.

I do think we have enough “people with money get more than people without” without inviting it in to the activities we do to escape that pain...

I would like to see us move away from automatic flag waving responses and really get into this. The entire spectrum of genderqueer people are badly served by taxonomic literalists that won’t accept any nuance between trans and and cis experiences.

I don’t think you are allowed to have these apps installed and then complain like this.

Gosh that is not a lot of payload. It’s always been really easy to overload a half ton truck in terms of space vs weight. This is next level.

I have no idea how any of you spotted books in these photos. You must all be on fire with Where’s Waldo

This whole thing reads like someone missing the point of a joke entirely.

If you’ve ever had the joy of cleaning rice out of the spray nozzles of a dishwasher you will know to keep rice away from the the insides.

The thing I like about the Wilde/Sudeikis drama is how relatable and human it feels to me. People doing shitty things to each other, neither side comes out looking like a victim, no stereotypes in either direction.

Yeah I really don’t think its fair to put what she did in that category. At all.

So...are you all enjoying this kind of gaming culture?

Counterpoint: As I’m a non-indian talking to (assumed) non-indians about using the word indian to describe something that has practically nothing to do with either type of indians, this is a fair discussion.

But there kind of is. It’s right in front of our noses.

And they absolutely get to do that and we should use that word in those contexts.

And they absolutely get to do that and we should use that word in those contexts.

And stop handwaving at a problem.

I dunno. Colonial Cobbler is right there.

Everyone is looking identical to how they look in the console games. So...that scans.

You’ve skipped the part where the McGriddle is not food for eating, its food for laying down and avoiding.