
Then relabel the class “expensive”.

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A reasonable confusion. She uses it slightly off standard gaelic. Saorise like inertia is a quote from her lips.

....we put Tesla in the same class as Porsche and Land Rover? Really?

You have a good point with the indigenous angle, as thats a smaller minority. But the rest is a bit over the top as this happens so a cultural minority in Canada can protect its cultural heritage. So the underlying concept is a semi-valid one.

....why would you install any of that in the first place?

The number of times I saw written requirements in my time in video game QA is exactly zero.

I’m in.

I’ve been carrying a question for a while. Seems like a good place here as the comments aren’t crawling with trolls.

Counterpoint: I don’t think it is ok.

Hmmm. I’m not American, and you crazy kids always amaze and delight with what you will sue over, but I do not understand what the basis for suing a police office has to do with the fundamental rights issue. If they violate your rights your criminal trial will reflect that - what grounds are there to sue an officer?

If you need me, I’ll be in my bunk.

AT LEAST 90% of people who will watch this do not care one little bit about the drama proposed in this article.

I really don’t turn to my video game movies to be inspired by casting choices.

I’ve never really understood window snapping as a feature. I mean, I know what it is, and how to use it, but....I don’t know why I’d ever want to use it, so I don’t use it.

The gameplay mode in Burnout 2 where you speed down a hill into a crowded intersection and cause as much damage as possible is *fucking brilliant* and I wish someone did that again.

You’re not wrong, but you’re too attached to your own bias. Can’t see the forest for the trees.

I have no idea what people get out of grind, or why people tolerate games where grind is the only point of it all.

You know, when fighting for basic rights, I don’t think you need to parse all your actions and words for perfect alignment to every cause ever. This post strikes me as technically correct buy functionally useless.

Holy shit the plot summary of that movie was fucking wild. How did this get made?

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