
Hah! That is some shady shade being cast, but that BSOD icon is hilarious!

So is that to imply that using a battery in the cold is bad?

My point is he doesn’t look the part. Now fan service can get you a lot of the way, but not all the way. When Boba Fett went into the Sarlacc he was 36 years old. Temuera is 61. I’m not trying to body shame the poor guy for looking like he is in his sixties. I’m trying to say casting him as a in shape, 40 something,

I gotta say dad bod Boba Fett (look at how his chest piece ....uh....does not make a vertical plane) is exactly as stupid looking as I feared it would be. I get that body shaming is body shaming and I’m a bad person. But...its just not working. Broken over the hill Boba from the Mandolorian was passable.

I get that we need to cancel Rowling, but holy shit did The Christmas Pig (gifted by a grandparent) work for my kids. What a great story.

i have such a hard time believing these systems can function in -40 temps we get for weeks at a time (unheated garage here)

Is it a true thing that you can discharge and store lithium batteries below zero? I know my cheap headphones happily function in the cold, but my Beats turn themselves off (quite annoyingly).

What’s true - and you know this - is that it was divisive. We should be kinder to our fellow fans of genre entertainment, even when tastes differ. Let the rest of the world be cold and callous.

If you want to plug an ergonomic mouse past, I see know reason why you need to endorse the worst parts of Japanese culture by plugging an overtly sexist and objectifying bit of weaboo shlock. I know I often forget the Japanese angle on this site, but I think we’ve made enough progress in the west to eject this kind of

This is complete nonsense. I have no idea where you got this idea about propriety, but I suggest you return it to sender. Sandals - especially nicer ones like the Birkenstocks shown here - are appropriate warm weather wear for men for anything below business casual.

It is clear in the text of Resurrection that the MMO has not been included in canon, although I suspect there is enough wiggle room to squeeze it in if you really needed to.

Having a movie trailer as the post-credits scene was some lazy bullshit. It made me very grumpy. (But I was predisposed to being grumpy, as I found No Way Home INCREDIBLY underwhelming)

It is a joke about Kinja slideshows, because a lot of people hate them.
(I am rather fond of them myself)

That’s the thing there really isn’t a solution.

I am so looking forward to this. Over the weekend we re-watched the trilogy - our first movie trilogy holiday marathon since we started having kids, we were so happy to be able to do it this year.

Let the commenter who has never, ever told their phone “honestly I’m not driving” when indeed they were cast the first stone!

Well, having seen how much money they can make by not doing that, I can’t say I blame them for not doing that.

I don’t think we have data storage options, let along batteries and solar panels, with a longevity of even a century, let alone all the implied aspirational nonsense in the press release.

Two questions:

I think we are abusing the “Culture” name of the vertical with this post.