
*tabula rasa

well, you don’t look grey to me here and now

I’m not sure how I ended up with two VWs, but Im taking the Tiguan out of the modern lot and the Type 2 out of the historical lot. The Tiguan is fun to drive while being comfortable, and the Type 2 is just so so so so practical.

I bought S3 on Switch based on how fun 1984/”the previous game” was and ....pretty much immediately regretted it, as its - at best - fine.

Well jeez if thats what they need surely they should just be giving blow jobs behind the 7-11 like the rest of

I don’t think one can call “smoking to the point of feeling unwell” nicotine poisoning. Thats a whole class of trainwreck that happens when people fuck around with nicotine juice for vapes.

People keep overlooking that Stranger Things 1984 is a slightly new name on a game that came out during Season 1.

Weird thing to guess at. But 1.5lb per person is the guidance you should be fine. 

Well you clearly haven’t met my kids.

Just wondering how many kilometres you’ve driven where the temperatures hit -40 and the snow plow leavings will exceed the height of your car. Just wondering. We consider AWD a mandatory, as are snow tires, because we’ve been doing this for 20 years.

...uh...have you looked around this place lately? Existence, I mean. Are you sure about that?

I do hope this is a hyperbole as incontenence when stressed or surprised is something to discuss with your doctor and should not be considered “normal”. 

Well it sure as fuck did not change in Canada we have an impact here? Generally the processing of “do i get the vaccine?” has been well above the sophistication of targeted clinical evidence...or maybe below, as its clearly in the sewer. Anyway....I knew some pregnant people over the past two years, this line of thinking laid out here wasn’t remotely

Ok I think I get what you intend now.

Anyone else think its super fishy that former senior BBC powers have cherry picked a franchise, which appears from this perspective to be pretty integral to their ability to sell their “new studio” to Sony and fill their own pockets?

....wait a minute when did The Leftovers explain the mystery box?

Are we not supposed to understand much of what Dan says? I felt bad about having to turn on on subtitles for him, but even my subtitles just bailed and went “(UNINTELIGIBLE)“ for when he got into the TARDIS, and I believe was trying to tell a story about how his mate had one of these just before getting his house back.

The reason the MCU works is by being ever-so-carefully with all the things in comics that feel dumb. The MCU doesn’t feel like comics to people who don’t read comics.

The gourds in the basement jump scare is the only time a movie has drawn an involuntary scream from me. I remember it quite vividly. It was honestly quite bewildering (screaming involuntarily, that is, not the film, which I enjoyed)