
I …. I think I love you? It’s like cynicism that breeds happiness. It’s perfect. But it well describes what …uh….isn’t working in this movie, too. 

Thank you for sharing. 

…in the exact same tone and delivery with how they said “Norm!” on Cheers!

It was fun. But the “holy shit” moments and the length seemed unwarranted and without much of a real point. There literally can be no consequences to these events, so …why do them? It feels like a too-clever-by-half writing process. Nothing that tried to carry emotional weight landed with me. By the end, I really

With a small amount of experience consuming subtitles does not take away from processing visuals.

I don’t disagree with your premise, but I do feel your conclusion misses the mark.

The character of Han Mi-Nyeo is radically different in the english dub than in the original Korean (subtitled). The former is a comic relief, clown, meth head type. The latter is a jaded woman, a broken woman, a deeply intelligent, conniving, manipulative woman that is fucking terrifying.

I could see some tolerance for a genuine belief, but at that point it - if it is *actually* something you *believe* - would take a quasi-religious flair akin to Christian Scientists? Like, you can’t on one hand be concerned about the chemicals in vaccination and then at the same anything that isn’t raw

Calling this a stretch would be an insult to Yoga teachers around the world.

10 years ago I did 5 years in AAA QA leadership. This was as a studio that made leadership ovations that QA was an equal department to all others (Narrator: It wasn’t)

Aria of Sorrow and its sequel (I know! A direct Castlevania SEQUEL!? How rare!) Dawn of Sorrow made such a solid pairing, I can’t fathom one without the other.

I dunno. The only one I expect to be dull as dirty dishwater is the LotR one.

This is long overdue. When are the Jews going to get their shot in the entertainment industry!?

Oh man we watched Saint Maud last night on Netflix. WHAT A RIDE.

Did they drop the second sketch mentioned for the west coast or was I a lot more stoned than I thought I was? I definitely didn’t see that. 

I dunno. I’m kind of with them on “coping with the world we have”, rather than looking to Sesame Street to be a champion for change in the world order. Thats a job for other people

This is a much better recommendation than many on this list.

The fraction of a fraction of a % of frozen pizza purchasers that 1) actually care about what they eat, because lets be honest here about what demographic buys this, and 2) try to avoid soy for *reasons*, are absolutely without a doubt entitled to be outraged about this as they should have been informed correctly.

Reading all this makes me extra angry about the two big engineering fuckups on my 2010 Tiguan (plastic water pump that shits the bed like clockwork, and the timing chain tensioner debacle that I had too many KM on the clock to benefit from any relief from).

I do wonder if there is a way to usefully unpack the glorious bundle that is whoring around. I think something interesting is in there, but like most interesting things the prudes and conservatives on a rampage to lynch self-identified whores makes the conversation precarious and ultimately impossible.