
it also starts off pretty rough

Didn’t they also use Papyrus in the subtitles? Is that still there?

Todays leading letter highlights, for me, the complete trainwreck that is Harris still being allowed to do this.

...yes they can...?

This is only a useful statement if we can eliminate the volume of android devices that are utterly garbage phones. Like I mean by design. The vast majority of android devices are nothing anyone who reads this site would consider using.

Because it’s fucking relevant how familiar you are with Trek, if you’re going to critique this — that’s the main armature of its success or failure.

The number of comments where people lay out their Star Trek fan credentials as some kind of qualification for having an opinion is remarkable. I kind of come away from each of them with the impression that it undermines their position, rather than supports it.

I’ve posted this very comment on other episode recaps. Generally I quite enjoyed this season and this show. But I mostly agree with this recap. I was ...more than a little “meh” on the finale. The sentimental beats landed where they needed to, and that was nice. But the Deux Ex Machina to escape death and the

I genuinely enjoyed Gigli. They had good chemistry.

I still think its a leap too far, without extra support like a throwaway line from Soong exclaiming his surprise that it was possible, too.

It actually was less good than others. There are some substantial problems. An android doing a Vulcan mind meld IS a leap too far. And Seven and the Cube seem wasted, but its a 2 parter so that might work out ok.

I don’t think it would be much of a retcon to connect this to V’Ger, or the Crystalline Entity....but I’m not a super nerd for trek lore.

So - you can kill an android by sticking a sharp object into its eye? I’m pretty sure Data would have shrugged that off...

I really want Picard to pass away, but I could accept a second season before we do that, and I really want the final scene to be him and Q talking.

Am I the only parent who is deeply interested in genre of all stripes, and who actually defers to ratings and recommendations from places like Common Sense Media? The concept here kind of blows me away. Torture porn at 10? Very uncomfortable.

I’ve been using this Nicorette Quickmist system for a few years now and I just can’t even fathom while people keep smoking. You can have all the fun of nicotine with NONE of the downside people!

...why? don’t read much, do you?

Most of what you have raised here seems like a feature and not a bug to me. The degeneration of the Star Trek universe seems ...soothing to me. this time of turmoil, and Stewart seems to be striking a good balance between very-old guard and doing what he can in this new world. The “I don’t know how to work this”

I get that I’ve made you cross. I’m not even complaining about that.