
I’m a computer science grad, so I don’t think it applies.

Thats a interesting idea (what was with the earlier reply? I feel like I did something wrong but don’t know what). I find a suggested contradiction to that idea in how much the Joker is name dropped, despite not being in this film, which makes me wonder where they could take it all. I suspect the caricature elements

I understand the strength of emotion you bring to the table.

I’ve never been able to get over the character concept for Harley Quinn being anything but the anthropomorphization of the adolescent male gaze, after a long stroll through the garden of exploiting intimate partner violence for the appearance of ....actually I don’t know what the point of that is. But I have always

I don’t get it. What kind of disputes are you getting into that rely on receipts to solve them? Like, is this an amazingly modern take advice, and business expenses?

I’ll assume kau cim is some artifact of your proposed ant/time-lord hybrid culture because for the life of me I have no idea what you are talking about.

Why is everyone talking about cars in the comments? This is a news story about the legal system, and has nothing to do with what car customizations could or should look like.

Anyone else feeling like Chamber Dungeons aren’t *that* bad? are agreeing with me?

Not only had the contract been deleted—it also had never been signed by the client at all.

The only thing that equals your confidence in this train of thought is how functionally useless it actually is.

Does it play the funky disco theme if you name your save file ZELDA?

(Apparently in the DX version the activating name was changed to LOLO)

I’m with you on all of this.

I hear you, but since SNC Lavalin I’ve been pretty sure that I cannot vote Liberal until they get a new leader. That crossed lines that must never be crossed. Period. add the Apple TV as a device, then create an activity for the Apple TV, configuring whatever other equipment that activity would use (in most cases a display and a home theatre?)

Its a Facebook swap on steroids, turned into an app, and since it started in Toronto it likes to think it was going to be a thing (fun fact: outside Toronto, Toronto is not considered part of Canada).

I love your panache, but most vegetarians I know wouldn’t blink at devouring a traditional butter based croissant. Isn’t the consumption of animal produced products, but not animals themselves, pretty much the heart of vegan vs vegetarians?

Oh my god. I just got flashbacks.

Good lord. While I can tolerate him trying to capitalize on the family name recognition - barely tolerable, as its not even his name - dragging the babies name into this is beyond the pale. There is having no shame and then there is having no shame.

I really think “apathy” should be on here somewhere as a tool to deal with this.