
I can’t be the only person who doesn’t see a problem with any of this.

I don’t think those invested in comicdom have clear optics on this, there are too invested in the genre.

I put 5 years into a “AAA” gaming studio before I decided my life force was better spent elsewhere.

PEDANTRY ALERT - that is not a toe ring and chain, its just a sandal with a toe sleeve.

If you are not nauseated at the thought of pineapple on pizza, may I recommend ham (NOT BACON), pineapple, jalapeno, and feta (that’s in addition to mozzarella cheese, not replacing it)

the concept of—I’m so sorry—“foodie calls”

I’m concerned I’ve not seen the most obvious rebuttal in the media anywhere: It’s clear to me that the AOC, Omar, etc. love the USA an extraordinary amount more than those slinging the accusations and chanting the chants.

This is where you politely excuse yourself, and stop drawing attention to your classlessness.

doesn’t mean she wasn’t involved in choosing what she wore or who made those pieces

I’m comfortable with this choice my law enforcement. Plenty of nasty shit could be included in this category of risk, like Hep A or B. Someone with background in public health should describe this accurately, and I by no means mean to imply to any of you that I am doing so.

I don’t understand your concern, as there is nothing shady about any of this.

I really hate the bread to food ratio of Ethiopian food. 

A horse is a horse, of course, of course

Remember parents of Jezebel: when your precious snowflakes want their ears pierced - we did ours at age 6 - hire a professional. Yes, it cost me about $200, but it was worth it (and the patient reported it was completely painless)

Who the fuck is Caleb?

Enthusiastically agree.

I finally got to finish the season today, so I came on just to find this article and post something scathing about how wrong the opinion of the OP here is, and had worked up a lot of fire in my belly to be bitchy and mean about it.

If you use the function keys “all the time” could you elaborate on what you use them to do? I can’t think of a task I do that uses them often (change volume when undocked, I guess?)

Metric is founded from Base 10 and its easy of use, and a common reference point (water - boiling and melting point for temperature, 1 litre=1kg for mass and volume).

Don’t enable this Matt. Is is not fair in the slightest. It is taking your subjective experiences and projecting that THERE COULD BE NO OTHER WAY.