
For the love of god do not auto reply when not available. Just....reply when you are. We need to break people of the habit that texting is real time, immediate response, priority communication. Its obscene what some people do to my inbox when - GOD FORBID - I set my phone aside to do something else for a while.

I’m not sure they really care about that reputational damage as that ship has sailed, and this is not a lawsuit about libel or slander or whichever term applies if that was the concern.

You know, this is exactly what I’m feeling about Spider-Man. Well said.

All I can offer in reply is that by hanging that wireless bridge off the ethernet port, the printer has worked flawlessly for 3 years now. This would contradict “wireless printing is a sham” but support “Brother has some issues with wireless printing”.

All I can offer in reply is that by hanging that wireless bridge off the ethernet port, the printer has worked

Hmm. I’m suspicious.

How this is assembled is utterly moronic and against the public good, the rights of women, and basic human decency.

But I thought it was actually *true* as well as *generally accepted* that sex, and the exchange of fluids, has a biochemical benefit.

I never scrutinized this belief as it was filed under “nice to have”

Something about this leaves me with the impression that you are slightly changing the subject to take a cheap shot. I don’t think I’m smart enough to back that up though.

I took a very sharp and very cheap shot. The door was there and I opened it. I was thinking about your President the entire time, and that was not fair or nice.

It’s Netflix.

As a Canadian, the idea of an American displaying xenophobic, possibly racist, horror and offense to the normal social and cultural traditions of another culture has become boring, commonplace, and today must be a day that ends in “y”.

I am looking forward to this movie.

It is exactly this way in Canada as well, and we use the same systems as the US to monitor and report on it. I’m not sure what the poster of the original comment was *really* trying to say.

My major Canadian bank shows me my credit score right in their banking app.

....if you are looking at the “influencers”, aren’t you part of the problem and shouldn’t throw shade at it?


I’ve been really wondering about the linked round-up of ketchups since I read it, as it contradicted so strongly some lived experience.

So is this just a double JBC?

I come from a land without Jack in the Box. So on a trip to Vegas, I made sure to try one of these.

I didn’t believe you at first.

That was wrong of me.

I got to attend a preview last night, and while this is undoubtedly the best Transformers movie yet it is a long way from a good movie. There are zero stakes to the robot on robot action, as whatever the plot needs to happens will happen. This undermines the fresh and engaging elements where - and this is a franchise